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About Me

- Kellie
- I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
newest additions, and losses.....should I be concerned?
so I was all excited on Wednesday when I found an ad on craigslist that said free gerbils....I texted my man and asked him and got the ok .....so the kids and I went to pick up the four gerbils in their tank with their stuff...all for free
we had to go to the store to get them some food, but other than that, totally free....
we didnt get back home til later because athena was sick and had to see the dr, then get her medicine, finally we got home,made dinner, and went to bed. the next day the plan was to clean out the gerbil house and put clean new sawdust in the home....
all was going well, I had them out on the deck in a little container, I was cleaning the tank out, and only went inside with it for 2 minutes to place it on the table before filling it back up. I came back out to see caleb carrying one by the tail. Then after I told him to please put it back, he did, only to have it land on its head (not a good thing) he seemed ok though so I started putting them back into their home leaving him for last to let him recoup after being upside down. well he wasnt moving when I went to get him, so gave him a few more minutes and then realized he had stopped moving and breathing....BIG teaching moment in our house. You cant hold the gerbils unless mommy and daddy are there, and if you do hold them you hold them gently, and never drop them....blah,blah,blah..... then I told them that the gerbil died because caleb was not gentle with it....the response "I wont mama...I wont kill again..." -gulp-
maybe that should have been a warning....maybe not, maybe I am too trusting.....of my kids!!! :)
Gerbil count at this point -3-
This morning when they were downstairs getting their shoes on because we were getting ready to leave ....or so I thought.....apparently they were not doing that. as I was coming down the stairs I heard athena say "quick run away" never a good thing to hear......I turn the corner and see caleb standing on a chair next to the gerbil tank, and upon closer look see a gerbil OUTside of the tank..........I walked over picked it up and held it for a minute, and then placed him back in his home...phew!
or so I thought.
after watching him for a minute if was apparent that he was not ok, but I wasnt sure what was wrong...he was able to move and walk around a bit, but seemed to be limping.....well, sadly I have to admit, that by the time we were ready to leave, he had stopped moving and stopped breathing. I have no idea what happened to him, but yes, another gerbil has bit the dust. So tonight we will be having a long talk about whether we can keep the gerbils.... Gerbil count -2-
the frustrating part is that caleb was told to open it and get out a gerbil,and of course he will do just about anything his big sister tells him to do. so apparently there are going to be a couple of major discussions going on tonight when josh gets home....
----------> on a more positive note, we are leaving tomorrow for a nice long family vacation. we are going to drive to michigan and spend time at both parents houses,see cousins, and Joshs grandpa...we will be back memorial dayish....so it will be nice to get away, and to let caleb meet his grandparents and cousins...
we will keep you posted on the gerbil situation!!!
we had to go to the store to get them some food, but other than that, totally free....
we didnt get back home til later because athena was sick and had to see the dr, then get her medicine, finally we got home,made dinner, and went to bed. the next day the plan was to clean out the gerbil house and put clean new sawdust in the home....
all was going well, I had them out on the deck in a little container, I was cleaning the tank out, and only went inside with it for 2 minutes to place it on the table before filling it back up. I came back out to see caleb carrying one by the tail. Then after I told him to please put it back, he did, only to have it land on its head (not a good thing) he seemed ok though so I started putting them back into their home leaving him for last to let him recoup after being upside down. well he wasnt moving when I went to get him, so gave him a few more minutes and then realized he had stopped moving and breathing....BIG teaching moment in our house. You cant hold the gerbils unless mommy and daddy are there, and if you do hold them you hold them gently, and never drop them....blah,blah,blah..... then I told them that the gerbil died because caleb was not gentle with it....the response "I wont mama...I wont kill again..." -gulp-
maybe that should have been a warning....maybe not, maybe I am too trusting.....of my kids!!! :)
Gerbil count at this point -3-
This morning when they were downstairs getting their shoes on because we were getting ready to leave ....or so I thought.....apparently they were not doing that. as I was coming down the stairs I heard athena say "quick run away" never a good thing to hear......I turn the corner and see caleb standing on a chair next to the gerbil tank, and upon closer look see a gerbil OUTside of the tank..........I walked over picked it up and held it for a minute, and then placed him back in his home...phew!
or so I thought.
after watching him for a minute if was apparent that he was not ok, but I wasnt sure what was wrong...he was able to move and walk around a bit, but seemed to be limping.....well, sadly I have to admit, that by the time we were ready to leave, he had stopped moving and stopped breathing. I have no idea what happened to him, but yes, another gerbil has bit the dust. So tonight we will be having a long talk about whether we can keep the gerbils.... Gerbil count -2-
the frustrating part is that caleb was told to open it and get out a gerbil,and of course he will do just about anything his big sister tells him to do. so apparently there are going to be a couple of major discussions going on tonight when josh gets home....
----------> on a more positive note, we are leaving tomorrow for a nice long family vacation. we are going to drive to michigan and spend time at both parents houses,see cousins, and Joshs grandpa...we will be back memorial dayish....so it will be nice to get away, and to let caleb meet his grandparents and cousins...
we will keep you posted on the gerbil situation!!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
quick note...for now
so I have been a bad blogger again, and havent written for awhile. I keep getting moments that I plan to write about, and then by the time get to a computer one of my children seems to interrupt my thoughts or need me for something.....I think I am going to ask santa for a laptop for christmas so I can write while I am in bed, or if anyone of you reading my blog feels super generous you can just gift me one :) just kidding....or am I :)
anyway I have to go get the kids ready we are heading to the salon for haircuts before vacation, and thank the Lord I am getting my eyebrows done as well!! I HATE that I have to basically not do anything to them for a week before I go (gives me the best results) because I swear in that time I grow a unibrow...anyway, you didnt really need to know that, so on that note I have to run!
I will write later........I promise!
anyway I have to go get the kids ready we are heading to the salon for haircuts before vacation, and thank the Lord I am getting my eyebrows done as well!! I HATE that I have to basically not do anything to them for a week before I go (gives me the best results) because I swear in that time I grow a unibrow...anyway, you didnt really need to know that, so on that note I have to run!
I will write later........I promise!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Oh what a beautiful Morning...Oh what a beautiful day!
So today is Joshs day off, and it started with us being able to sleep in (until 730, but hey I will take it!) playing with caleb and relaxing a little bit this morning before heading out to get athena who spent the night at grammies.
we had mommy and thena time at buttered noodles while daddy and caleb had time at the"tractor store" which is conveniently next door! we then had to run to walmart for a few things, but the whole time the kids were happy, incredible well behaved and it was just a really fun morning!!! now we are home resting ---josh is watching a movie with athena while I get to use the computer and Caleb is of course playing with his cars :)
This afternoon we are planning to head outside again to play at the park and get ice cream, and a perfect dinner for this perfect day is burgers and dogs :) yum!!!
I feel bad for Josh because lately the kids want to spend the whole entire day doing stuff with him and he wants to be with them that he ends up going to work the next day more tired than before.....but he does say that its worth it and that means so much to me!!!!
well, off to have more fun!! :)
we had mommy and thena time at buttered noodles while daddy and caleb had time at the"tractor store" which is conveniently next door! we then had to run to walmart for a few things, but the whole time the kids were happy, incredible well behaved and it was just a really fun morning!!! now we are home resting ---josh is watching a movie with athena while I get to use the computer and Caleb is of course playing with his cars :)
This afternoon we are planning to head outside again to play at the park and get ice cream, and a perfect dinner for this perfect day is burgers and dogs :) yum!!!
I feel bad for Josh because lately the kids want to spend the whole entire day doing stuff with him and he wants to be with them that he ends up going to work the next day more tired than before.....but he does say that its worth it and that means so much to me!!!!
well, off to have more fun!! :)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Is that really the sun??
This morning my monkeys were up at 6am, which is not my ideal time to get up, but when we get to sleep through the entire night 6 am is much more doable :)
I am sitting here looking around at my house and the cleaning that needs to be done today, but the sun is shining in the window and actually making the left side of my body warm, and really making me want to forgo all my cleaning and just play outside in the sun! we will see what end up happening :)
I have been having a frustrating week....there have been some frustrations at work, I am struggling with school locations/expenses for Athena,caleb going through his very clingy stage, some plans went slightly awry this week ,lack of sleep and lack of energy and honestly feeling selfish and wanting some space and time for myself without interruptions........
I know that as a mom I shouldnt expect to have "me time" and I actually feel kind of guilty even writing that I want it, but blogging is kind of like a journal and sometimes you just have to get it out......last night after work I went to get groceries and josh picked up the kids and I was so enjoying the quiet car ride, the peaceful shopping in the store, the fact that for those few minutes no one needed anything from me. I love Josh and I love that he works so hard for us to have what we do which allows me to work part time, but sometimes, I wish he had a 8-5 m-f job which would allow me to have some time alone to do whatever even if just for a short break......
so this post started out happy and sunny, but kind of turned a little negative, and I apologize to anyone reading this.....well, since caleb needed to sit on my lap while I am posting I am gonna go since this really is not ideal ...enjoy the beautiful sunshine, and if you think of me,say a little prayer for some mental relief
I am sitting here looking around at my house and the cleaning that needs to be done today, but the sun is shining in the window and actually making the left side of my body warm, and really making me want to forgo all my cleaning and just play outside in the sun! we will see what end up happening :)
I have been having a frustrating week....there have been some frustrations at work, I am struggling with school locations/expenses for Athena,caleb going through his very clingy stage, some plans went slightly awry this week ,lack of sleep and lack of energy and honestly feeling selfish and wanting some space and time for myself without interruptions........
I know that as a mom I shouldnt expect to have "me time" and I actually feel kind of guilty even writing that I want it, but blogging is kind of like a journal and sometimes you just have to get it out......last night after work I went to get groceries and josh picked up the kids and I was so enjoying the quiet car ride, the peaceful shopping in the store, the fact that for those few minutes no one needed anything from me. I love Josh and I love that he works so hard for us to have what we do which allows me to work part time, but sometimes, I wish he had a 8-5 m-f job which would allow me to have some time alone to do whatever even if just for a short break......
so this post started out happy and sunny, but kind of turned a little negative, and I apologize to anyone reading this.....well, since caleb needed to sit on my lap while I am posting I am gonna go since this really is not ideal ...enjoy the beautiful sunshine, and if you think of me,say a little prayer for some mental relief
Friday, May 6, 2011
Roller Coaster Day
For some reason today has been rather emotional....it could be that :
1) the kids had our wedding video playing this morning when we all got up (they like to watch it randomly)
2) I had a meeting at the place we really want Athena to attend kindergarten , which means my baby girl is getting older..
3) I am incredibly tired after an off night of little sleep....
4) I am feeling overwhelmed with life lately
5) Got some news that frustrated me this morning and have to make some decisions about it...
6) Realized that this weekend celebrates my 4th mothers day as a mommy....and it is amazing how much my life has changed since becoming a mommy,and how even though right now Caleb is hollering because he "needs candy" right now (and I of course said no) and I would so much rather be quietly reading a book and relaxing, that is not my life right now.
Right now my life is serving my husband and taking care of him, and raising my kiddos .......and as frustrating as some days are, I really wouldn't change a thing.....well, maybe I would add a few hours of sleep once in awhile, but other than that....nope, I love my kids, and love the life that we have together with our awesome little miracles :)
So, to all you moms.....Happy Mothers Day weekend, enjoy your kiddos, and I hope we all have a lovely day spent with family.
1) the kids had our wedding video playing this morning when we all got up (they like to watch it randomly)
2) I had a meeting at the place we really want Athena to attend kindergarten , which means my baby girl is getting older..
3) I am incredibly tired after an off night of little sleep....
4) I am feeling overwhelmed with life lately
5) Got some news that frustrated me this morning and have to make some decisions about it...
6) Realized that this weekend celebrates my 4th mothers day as a mommy....and it is amazing how much my life has changed since becoming a mommy,and how even though right now Caleb is hollering because he "needs candy" right now (and I of course said no) and I would so much rather be quietly reading a book and relaxing, that is not my life right now.
Right now my life is serving my husband and taking care of him, and raising my kiddos .......and as frustrating as some days are, I really wouldn't change a thing.....well, maybe I would add a few hours of sleep once in awhile, but other than that....nope, I love my kids, and love the life that we have together with our awesome little miracles :)
So, to all you moms.....Happy Mothers Day weekend, enjoy your kiddos, and I hope we all have a lovely day spent with family.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Random thoughts on a tuesday
Not to complain, but it seems like just when we start getting some really nice sunny days, it rains again........I try not to complain, but I am one of those people who is greatly affected by the weather and it has been really hard to stay happy and upbeat when the weather is dark and gloomy.....This past weekend was so wonderful, not only becuase of the weather but because of the time we spent as a family...I am hoping for a bunch of those in the near future!! :)
So, I have 1 friend who is having a baby in a little over a month, and I cant wait to meet her little man, and maybe help her out with decorating, or watching her baby girl....I remember how fun it was the second time around, you dont feel as stressed out about labor delivery etc...well you are stressed but not for the same reasons.
I have another friend who is in a high risk pregnancy, and I just keep praying for both her and the babys safety as she creeps closer and closer to the "safety" week where she might be allowed off bed rest....
There is another friend that is experiencing all sorts of new things with this baby boy since her daughter was born "rocking an extra chromosome" and is one of the happiest little girls, with a super awesome sense of style to match her personality!! this friend is anticipating the birth of her second baby with a different perspective, and I love reading her blog where she is super candid and is an incredible writer!
I don't really know why I got started on the topic of babies....I think I am coming to terms with the fact that my "baby" is starting kindergarten this fall, and I am realizing just how nervous I am about this. I didnt think I would be that mom who cries when she drops her child off for their first day of school...but as the week go on, I am fearing that will be the case.
I am frustrated that we are not able to send her where we would probably prefer, and that she will be in a public school at least for kindergarten. There are a few reasons for this
1) Until the adminstration changes Josh and I will not send her to a private school that we would like her to be in.
2) we are looking at finances and thinking about other private schools in the area, but they are soooo expensive that we might not be able to for kindergarten
3) I dont mind sending her to a public school but the burlington schools make me a little nervous....they shouldnt but they do.
so anyway, I have rambled enough about all of my random thoughts and Josh just got home from work so Im gonna go snuggle with my hubby who works really hard to take care of us.
stay warm and dry!!
So, I have 1 friend who is having a baby in a little over a month, and I cant wait to meet her little man, and maybe help her out with decorating, or watching her baby girl....I remember how fun it was the second time around, you dont feel as stressed out about labor delivery etc...well you are stressed but not for the same reasons.
I have another friend who is in a high risk pregnancy, and I just keep praying for both her and the babys safety as she creeps closer and closer to the "safety" week where she might be allowed off bed rest....
There is another friend that is experiencing all sorts of new things with this baby boy since her daughter was born "rocking an extra chromosome" and is one of the happiest little girls, with a super awesome sense of style to match her personality!! this friend is anticipating the birth of her second baby with a different perspective, and I love reading her blog where she is super candid and is an incredible writer!
I don't really know why I got started on the topic of babies....I think I am coming to terms with the fact that my "baby" is starting kindergarten this fall, and I am realizing just how nervous I am about this. I didnt think I would be that mom who cries when she drops her child off for their first day of school...but as the week go on, I am fearing that will be the case.
I am frustrated that we are not able to send her where we would probably prefer, and that she will be in a public school at least for kindergarten. There are a few reasons for this
1) Until the adminstration changes Josh and I will not send her to a private school that we would like her to be in.
2) we are looking at finances and thinking about other private schools in the area, but they are soooo expensive that we might not be able to for kindergarten
3) I dont mind sending her to a public school but the burlington schools make me a little nervous....they shouldnt but they do.
so anyway, I have rambled enough about all of my random thoughts and Josh just got home from work so Im gonna go snuggle with my hubby who works really hard to take care of us.
stay warm and dry!!
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