so today is Athenas birthday party....she will be 5 tomorrow. I can't believe that 5 years has flown by so fast!! 5 years ago at this time I was trying to figure out if I was in labor, got sent home from the hospital because I wasn't far enough along,went home and ate pizza. That was an entire day in a nutshell :)
I have a few friends who are pregnant or just had babies, and its funny how talking to them brings back different memories of both my kids births, and funny how each one was so different....I remember being so sure of so many things : no epidural,water birth, how easy it would be since I did exercises,definitely would breast feed.....and how quickly those ideas get blown out of the water during the real deal :) I did get an epidural,I did soak in the tub for many hours, but didn't give birth there, it was not easy, and it was looooong!!! After 30 hours of labor, and 3and a half hours of pushing I met my baby girl, and she was beautiful!!!
We may have had a rough start those first few months, but she is my girl, and I would not change a thing (well, maybe the fact that she is a super early riser) She is my little girl, my princess, and I love her so much!!
I still can't believe that this fall I will be sending my girl to school..... wow how time flies!!!
Happy Birthday Athena Nicole! I love you so much!!!
About Me

- Kellie
- I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
whatever wednesday
so, today feels like it is dragging along...probably because we had a fun morning with friends, but then after we got home my girl decided not to sleep, and I developed a wicked headache....ugh! Think I say this alot, but I am so thankful for our apartment, and that it has 3 bedrooms, but I am getting increasingly frustrated with the lack of space that we have....I can't wait to get a bigger place , but that wont be until February I need to just suck it up and work harder to keep my house clean.
Last night we took out first trip to the ER. which really isn't bad considering Athena is (almost)5 and Caleb is 2 and a half.....what a freaky thing...he and his sister were playing with new little airplanes, and somehow his sisters airplane flew at his face and "hit" him above his eye near the bridge of his nose. he has a perfect little gaping hole....I was pretty calm, but the fact that it was right next to his eye had me pretty freaked out. I took a picture and sent it to my mom asking if I should call the Dr, of course she said after talking to the pediatrician he determined that since it was a hole and on his face that we should head to the ER to get it checked......
Josh was at work and couldn't come with me so I grabbed snacks,sippy cups and diapers and we headed to the ER. where I was told that he was a very lucky little boy....a couple centimeters the other direction and it would have hit his eyeball which could have ended the end the Dr decided not to traumatize him with stitches and said to keep an eye on it the next couple of days, but that it should heal up pretty good on its own, and just to apply antibiotic ointment a couple times a day.
phew! major trauma averted....while there I was talking to a grandpa who was there with his granddaughter who was already in surgery for a torn ACL. she was 5 years old. anotehr kid shut her foot in a door. how thankful was I that Caleb's injury was so much minor compared to that....and how horrible for a little girl to have that much pain!
anyway, we made it home by 8pm, got Tylenol and jammies, and went to bed....only to have everyone awake at 5am, and 630am.....why...I have no idea, but was pretty bummed!!
we had a fun morning though and went to a friends house to cheer her up with donuts and a coolatta....hopefully we were able to keep her mind off her baby that would rather stay in than come out :) and the kids had fun playing!
well, its raining outside so I think I will get out the Tinkerbell movie that netflix sent us which will let us rest and relax for a bit before josh gets home and I have to make dinner!
Last night we took out first trip to the ER. which really isn't bad considering Athena is (almost)5 and Caleb is 2 and a half.....what a freaky thing...he and his sister were playing with new little airplanes, and somehow his sisters airplane flew at his face and "hit" him above his eye near the bridge of his nose. he has a perfect little gaping hole....I was pretty calm, but the fact that it was right next to his eye had me pretty freaked out. I took a picture and sent it to my mom asking if I should call the Dr, of course she said after talking to the pediatrician he determined that since it was a hole and on his face that we should head to the ER to get it checked......
Josh was at work and couldn't come with me so I grabbed snacks,sippy cups and diapers and we headed to the ER. where I was told that he was a very lucky little boy....a couple centimeters the other direction and it would have hit his eyeball which could have ended the end the Dr decided not to traumatize him with stitches and said to keep an eye on it the next couple of days, but that it should heal up pretty good on its own, and just to apply antibiotic ointment a couple times a day.
phew! major trauma averted....while there I was talking to a grandpa who was there with his granddaughter who was already in surgery for a torn ACL. she was 5 years old. anotehr kid shut her foot in a door. how thankful was I that Caleb's injury was so much minor compared to that....and how horrible for a little girl to have that much pain!
anyway, we made it home by 8pm, got Tylenol and jammies, and went to bed....only to have everyone awake at 5am, and 630am.....why...I have no idea, but was pretty bummed!!
we had a fun morning though and went to a friends house to cheer her up with donuts and a coolatta....hopefully we were able to keep her mind off her baby that would rather stay in than come out :) and the kids had fun playing!
well, its raining outside so I think I will get out the Tinkerbell movie that netflix sent us which will let us rest and relax for a bit before josh gets home and I have to make dinner!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
who is this person?
I am not going to get too into it becuase...well, just because. but I have been struggling lately with alot of of those being experiencing some side effects to medication that have not been pleasant. THat being said, I am in the process of working with my dr on "fixing" me so that I feel more like myself again. Last night I had a moment where I was literally afraid to be with myself....I honestly didnt know what I would do, and that scared me. I am sorry to be kind of vague, but I feel "safer" that never know who reads these things :)
I had some time out alone the other night and felt a little better, but it wasn't the "miracle" I was hoping it would be.
Right now I am not being the person, wife, friend, mother etc... that I want to be, but I am working on getting back to "normal" so please bear with me..I havent laughed, a big happy belly laugh in months....I love my husband and he has put up with so much in our relationship, and he always loves me, and takes care of me, and that just makes me love him more.
so, now that I have unloaded a little part of my mind, I feel better, and I think when Josh gets home we are going to get a pizza and go to the park....
I had some time out alone the other night and felt a little better, but it wasn't the "miracle" I was hoping it would be.
Right now I am not being the person, wife, friend, mother etc... that I want to be, but I am working on getting back to "normal" so please bear with me..I havent laughed, a big happy belly laugh in months....I love my husband and he has put up with so much in our relationship, and he always loves me, and takes care of me, and that just makes me love him more.
so, now that I have unloaded a little part of my mind, I feel better, and I think when Josh gets home we are going to get a pizza and go to the park....
random questions from a 4 and a half year old
So Athena has been asking me some random questions lately, and I thought that I would start recording them and then post a few for your enjoyment.....maybe someone can answer them!!
1) "mommy, is God married?" "why not?"
2) "mommy put this in your memory for when we get to heaven.....I want to ask God why crabs walk sideways....I thought of this when I was dancing sideways..."
3)"mommy how come caleb doesnt have to cover his nipples, but I do?"
4) Mommy, why do boys stand up to pee, but I have to sit? can I try standing?"
5)When caleb and I were in you belly, did you know we were there?
6)" but Mom, he has been touching my toys for 19 hours!!!" (during a long car ride to michigan)
7) "nooooooo Caleb dont use my brush to scratch your nasty bum...I brush my hair with that!!"
8) "mooooom, I can't find a dress that sparkles......this one will not do for church"
9) "Is it ever going to be my birthday? It is taking forever...."
This is all Ive got right now.....if anyone has any answers let me know and I will pass them on to my daughter!
1) "mommy, is God married?" "why not?"
2) "mommy put this in your memory for when we get to heaven.....I want to ask God why crabs walk sideways....I thought of this when I was dancing sideways..."
3)"mommy how come caleb doesnt have to cover his nipples, but I do?"
4) Mommy, why do boys stand up to pee, but I have to sit? can I try standing?"
5)When caleb and I were in you belly, did you know we were there?
6)" but Mom, he has been touching my toys for 19 hours!!!" (during a long car ride to michigan)
7) "nooooooo Caleb dont use my brush to scratch your nasty bum...I brush my hair with that!!"
8) "mooooom, I can't find a dress that sparkles......this one will not do for church"
9) "Is it ever going to be my birthday? It is taking forever...."
This is all Ive got right now.....if anyone has any answers let me know and I will pass them on to my daughter!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Today started early, but sweet. my little boy woke up at 5 and of course only wanted me....normally I getr frustrated with this, but seeing as I have been able to sleep all night, I dont mind (as much) getting up early. he and I had some snuggles in bed, and then went downstairs to watch the gerbils being silly, and then we got some breakfast before everyone else was up.
It was just a nice time for me and him, and it started my day on a sweet note :)
Now they are in bed, and I am kind of tired (I have been awake since 5am!) so I am going to get stuff ready for tomorrow and then head to bed soon.
sleep well, and hope you all have a nice sunday!
It was just a nice time for me and him, and it started my day on a sweet note :)
Now they are in bed, and I am kind of tired (I have been awake since 5am!) so I am going to get stuff ready for tomorrow and then head to bed soon.
sleep well, and hope you all have a nice sunday!
Friday, June 10, 2011
whatever it was it was scary
So..some of you have a clue as to what this post will be about, but for the rest of you here is the last 24 hours or so....
Last night we all sat down to dinner and were eating (normal day) when Josh grabs at his chest and starts breathing loudly...I kind of didnt say anything and just watched him, but this kept going for about 10 minutes ...
he got really pale and had shortness of breath and told me he didnt feel good and was going to lie down.
after a few more minutes of letting him rest on the couch I went in to check on"how are you doing? whats wrong?" Josh: my arm is numb, and it feels like someone is sitting on my chest, and its hard to breathe. me:" you know what you are describing to me?" Josh "yeah, but Im fine dont worry....
<yeah right, a wife not worry when her hubby is maybe having a heart attack....>
anyway, the chest pain went away after a bit, and he was able to breathe better, so he laid low last night and just didnt feel good.....this morning he woke up still feeling "off" and his arm was still a little numb, but he went to work with the promise that he would call his dr if he felt funny again.
I get a call from Josh. He had another episode and called his dr (totally shocked that he called!)
who told him to get a ride from someone and go to the ER.
soooo....the kiddos got to go to my moms, and I got to take Josh to the ER....
we got there and the dr was incredibly rude and walked in the room and said...and I quote..."You are a healthy looking 27 year old...why are you really here you aren't having a heart attack"
---not the best first impression, and Josh isnt 27, he is 32......-------
they did a cardiogram,a bunch of labs, a few other tests, all to have the super impressive (j/k) dr come in and say, and again, I quote " well, you are a healthy guy, you didnt have a heart attack, you dont have a blood clot, you are fine, so since we dont know whats wrong, we are gonna send you home"
.......not that we wanted anything "bad" to be wrong with Josh, but we did kind of want some kind of answer...Josh asked the dr why he was still having numbness, and dizziness, and chest tightness, and the dr said "I don't know" Josh has no restrictions, and they suggested he see his pcp next week....
overall not the afternoon I was planning, I am thankful that Josh is ok, but frustrated with the lack of concern and respect that we received today at the ER...
so now that the "excitement" is over I am going to make something for dinner!
Last night we all sat down to dinner and were eating (normal day) when Josh grabs at his chest and starts breathing loudly...I kind of didnt say anything and just watched him, but this kept going for about 10 minutes ...
he got really pale and had shortness of breath and told me he didnt feel good and was going to lie down.
after a few more minutes of letting him rest on the couch I went in to check on"how are you doing? whats wrong?" Josh: my arm is numb, and it feels like someone is sitting on my chest, and its hard to breathe. me:" you know what you are describing to me?" Josh "yeah, but Im fine dont worry....
<yeah right, a wife not worry when her hubby is maybe having a heart attack....>
anyway, the chest pain went away after a bit, and he was able to breathe better, so he laid low last night and just didnt feel good.....this morning he woke up still feeling "off" and his arm was still a little numb, but he went to work with the promise that he would call his dr if he felt funny again.
I get a call from Josh. He had another episode and called his dr (totally shocked that he called!)
who told him to get a ride from someone and go to the ER.
soooo....the kiddos got to go to my moms, and I got to take Josh to the ER....
we got there and the dr was incredibly rude and walked in the room and said...and I quote..."You are a healthy looking 27 year old...why are you really here you aren't having a heart attack"
---not the best first impression, and Josh isnt 27, he is 32......-------
they did a cardiogram,a bunch of labs, a few other tests, all to have the super impressive (j/k) dr come in and say, and again, I quote " well, you are a healthy guy, you didnt have a heart attack, you dont have a blood clot, you are fine, so since we dont know whats wrong, we are gonna send you home"
.......not that we wanted anything "bad" to be wrong with Josh, but we did kind of want some kind of answer...Josh asked the dr why he was still having numbness, and dizziness, and chest tightness, and the dr said "I don't know" Josh has no restrictions, and they suggested he see his pcp next week....
overall not the afternoon I was planning, I am thankful that Josh is ok, but frustrated with the lack of concern and respect that we received today at the ER...
so now that the "excitement" is over I am going to make something for dinner!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
whatever wednesday
Hi there!
So I am incredibly thankful that my hubby went out and got an air conditioner and installed it yesterday! Even more thankful when I realized that today is supposed to hit the 90's...I don't mind the heat that much, I mean I LOVE being in the sun, especially at a beach, or a pool, but this place we are living is like a furnace. It holds the heat and refuses to cool down even a little! As much as I hate moving, I will happily look for places next year when our lease is up....I miss having a yard for the kids to play in, and not having to share astairway with neighbors....I try to stay positive though because this place is so affordable and it has 3 bedrooms which is almost impossible to find !!
So I was up alot last night. not feeling that great, and of course Caleb didn't sleep well so we kind of hung out all night :) Needless to say I am kind of tired today and really want to just go back to bed and sleep, but I fear what would happen to the house/kids/walls/carpets etc....if I did!! :)
I am thinking about heading to my moms and filling the pool for the kids to splash around in....that way I can sit in the sun and relax.....probably after lunch that will be the plan
Well, I just looked over at my kiddos who became naked and are dancing to the cat in the hat music.......
Oh-----Gerbil update.....still have 2!!! hooray!!!!! :)
So I am incredibly thankful that my hubby went out and got an air conditioner and installed it yesterday! Even more thankful when I realized that today is supposed to hit the 90's...I don't mind the heat that much, I mean I LOVE being in the sun, especially at a beach, or a pool, but this place we are living is like a furnace. It holds the heat and refuses to cool down even a little! As much as I hate moving, I will happily look for places next year when our lease is up....I miss having a yard for the kids to play in, and not having to share astairway with neighbors....I try to stay positive though because this place is so affordable and it has 3 bedrooms which is almost impossible to find !!
So I was up alot last night. not feeling that great, and of course Caleb didn't sleep well so we kind of hung out all night :) Needless to say I am kind of tired today and really want to just go back to bed and sleep, but I fear what would happen to the house/kids/walls/carpets etc....if I did!! :)
I am thinking about heading to my moms and filling the pool for the kids to splash around in....that way I can sit in the sun and relax.....probably after lunch that will be the plan
Well, I just looked over at my kiddos who became naked and are dancing to the cat in the hat music.......
Oh-----Gerbil update.....still have 2!!! hooray!!!!! :)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
a beautiful saturday
well, it is with a little bitterness that I am posting right now.
I work Saturdays.
That is what I was hired for and normally I don't mind, but today, for some reason I am feeling very resentful that I am here.
It is absolutely gorgeous looking outside, and when I got here (very early because I wanted to practice our new system before pts started coming in) we were already booked through 1pm which didn't make me overly happy......then there were problems with my user name I had to figure something out, and then the Dr got a little behind (which happens, not really upset about that) but then, the phone which had been relatively quiet most of the morning decided to start ringing with calls from people who want to be seen, today for things that have been going on for weeks, or even months.......
and of course we see them.
all this to say that as I am sitting here looking out the window at the sunny day I am missing, I did not enjoy scheduling a 2:00 patient.
I said my piece and I feel a teeny tiny bit better........kind of.......
anyway, hope you are all out there enjoying the beautiful day!
I work Saturdays.
That is what I was hired for and normally I don't mind, but today, for some reason I am feeling very resentful that I am here.
It is absolutely gorgeous looking outside, and when I got here (very early because I wanted to practice our new system before pts started coming in) we were already booked through 1pm which didn't make me overly happy......then there were problems with my user name I had to figure something out, and then the Dr got a little behind (which happens, not really upset about that) but then, the phone which had been relatively quiet most of the morning decided to start ringing with calls from people who want to be seen, today for things that have been going on for weeks, or even months.......
and of course we see them.
all this to say that as I am sitting here looking out the window at the sunny day I am missing, I did not enjoy scheduling a 2:00 patient.
I said my piece and I feel a teeny tiny bit better........kind of.......
anyway, hope you are all out there enjoying the beautiful day!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
random thoughts
so today I went in to work for a few hours for some training....we are changing to a new computer software and apparently we are going live tomorrow, so when I go to work saturday, its all me! THat will be interesting!!! LOL! Oh well, I can fake it right ? :)
I am still on vacation high I think....I just want to relax and play and do nothing of importance, but reality is that I have had to unpack, and clean and eventually get some groceries :)
I have to say that our vacation was awesome! We had a great time with family, but it seems as if our little family grew closer as well. Josh and I have both said that we feel closer after this vacation, so it was definitely a good thing! :)
I got a call today from edmunds elementary where athena was on the waiting list, but I decided to keep her where she is at champlain. I felt peace after enrolling her there, and I think that is important, yes it is "only" kindergarten, but that is my baby girl and I need to feel good about where she is going when she isnt going to be with me.....
well, my hubby should be home any minute so I am gonna get going.......
I am still on vacation high I think....I just want to relax and play and do nothing of importance, but reality is that I have had to unpack, and clean and eventually get some groceries :)
I have to say that our vacation was awesome! We had a great time with family, but it seems as if our little family grew closer as well. Josh and I have both said that we feel closer after this vacation, so it was definitely a good thing! :)
I got a call today from edmunds elementary where athena was on the waiting list, but I decided to keep her where she is at champlain. I felt peace after enrolling her there, and I think that is important, yes it is "only" kindergarten, but that is my baby girl and I need to feel good about where she is going when she isnt going to be with me.....
well, my hubby should be home any minute so I am gonna get going.......
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
home again
Well, I first must apologize for the fact that something went wrong with my mobile started out fine -hence the "trying this out" post, and then I ave no idea what happened. It was telling me everything was going through, but wasn't....what a bummer becuase there were some pretty good posts :(
Well, we made it back home after a nice long trip to Michigan. I can honestly say that minus a few moments (mostly,lack of sleep and/or meltdowns with kids) we all had a really great time! There have been some rocky times in the past, but this trip out felt like a fresh new start and it was great! The kids had fun getting to know their grandparents, aunt,uncles, cousins, and of course, the animals at each house! :)
This morning I dont have time to go into detail about all the fun activities that we enjoyed,but we were busy most of the time there, and it was fun!
The trip home yesterday seriously felt like it was never going to end! It took us about 10 hours to get there last week, but yesterday, we ran into construction almost at every turn, and it took us 12 1/2 hours to get home.....not fun. BUT the kids did really well considering they were in their car seats more than they were not yesterday! and we were safe. no accidents, no speeding tickets, nothing.....:)
This morning my poor hubby had to open which meant he had to leave at 6:15a.m......the good part is he will be home for dinner (of course that means I have to go get groceries so we have something worthy to be called dinner!) and then Josh called with some unfortunate news.
His boss had called him while we were away and told him he was punching him in and out every day that we were gone (long story,but they owe him back pay and this was supposed to cover it) this morning he found out that he has lied to him, and didnt do it. he also found out that his mgr has been lying about a few other things, and he needs to confront him. Joshs job is still fine, he did get his promotion, but its gonna be tight for a couple of weeks since he now wont be getting paid for the time he was off.......
well, I have tried avoiding the pile of luggage/toys/shoes/etc...that we dumped in the living room last night, so I guess I should probably attempt to tackle it......
BTW---did anyone else love the storm this morning?? Seriously, I love thunderstorms,and was amazed that caleb actually slept through it!!
Well, we made it back home after a nice long trip to Michigan. I can honestly say that minus a few moments (mostly,lack of sleep and/or meltdowns with kids) we all had a really great time! There have been some rocky times in the past, but this trip out felt like a fresh new start and it was great! The kids had fun getting to know their grandparents, aunt,uncles, cousins, and of course, the animals at each house! :)
This morning I dont have time to go into detail about all the fun activities that we enjoyed,but we were busy most of the time there, and it was fun!
The trip home yesterday seriously felt like it was never going to end! It took us about 10 hours to get there last week, but yesterday, we ran into construction almost at every turn, and it took us 12 1/2 hours to get home.....not fun. BUT the kids did really well considering they were in their car seats more than they were not yesterday! and we were safe. no accidents, no speeding tickets, nothing.....:)
This morning my poor hubby had to open which meant he had to leave at 6:15a.m......the good part is he will be home for dinner (of course that means I have to go get groceries so we have something worthy to be called dinner!) and then Josh called with some unfortunate news.
His boss had called him while we were away and told him he was punching him in and out every day that we were gone (long story,but they owe him back pay and this was supposed to cover it) this morning he found out that he has lied to him, and didnt do it. he also found out that his mgr has been lying about a few other things, and he needs to confront him. Joshs job is still fine, he did get his promotion, but its gonna be tight for a couple of weeks since he now wont be getting paid for the time he was off.......
well, I have tried avoiding the pile of luggage/toys/shoes/etc...that we dumped in the living room last night, so I guess I should probably attempt to tackle it......
BTW---did anyone else love the storm this morning?? Seriously, I love thunderstorms,and was amazed that caleb actually slept through it!!
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