the last couple of days have flown by and I cant believe that tomorrow is Monday, the start of a new week...already...
Yesterday was my moms birthday so me and the kids went to middlebury with her. We went to "our" beach where the kids were super brave and floated and played and had a great time in the water. Then we stopped at the a&w where we had a snack of french fried and a root beet float, and of course took some home with us as well :) yummy!!
Today we had church and while we were hanging at my moms my aunt called and invited us to her house to swim and play for the we decided to head up there, and the kids had a blast!! athena swam the entire time we were there, caleb found a battery operated tractor and drove all around their yard,my dad gave athena a ride in the go cart, and they had so much fun!
This coming week has the potential to be a week of lots of changes.....I will keep you all posted on those changes as they occur.....kind of excited, and looking forward to what the week will bring. :)
About Me

- Kellie
- I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
betty crocker kind of day
Well, today I did not get to sleep in like I had hoped, but I wasnt upset when I woken up with a "mommy, I pooped" My boy is potty trained except for that, and he absoloutely refuses to go in the potty. He wants a diaper. i of course still try the potty but by then the moment has passed...all that to explain that he had been trying to go since sunday with no success, and we were at the point where we were gonna have to call the dr for advice if there was nothing this even though it was 6am I was "happy" (as only a mom can be and understand) that was the reason. For those of you who are wondering, he also pooped about 3 other times today and is feeling much better, and his happy self again :)
Ok, enough poop talk.....
The last week I have been wanting to bake, but had other things to do, or it was honestly just too hot. last night I decided I wanted to do some baking, and got everything out for today...I made......drum roll please..
a chocolate peanuty butter cream pie....sooooo easy, and sooooooooo yummy!!!
a pumpkin pie (Josh heard I was gonna back and put in his request)
a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for my mom (her birthday is tomorrow)
and, that's all I baked that the baking bug is back I am planning some buckeye brownies, blueberry muffins, and maybe bread....but thats for another day.
Days like today I am so house is clean, my kids got along and played nicely and were happy, I got to bake, and still get other things accomplished as well.....this is how I feel every day that I am home should be, but the reality is......well, lets just say the reality is not quite that perfect :) LOL!
Gotta go get stuff together, tomorrow we are heading to middlebury to go to the beach and of course a&w YUM!!!!
Ok, enough poop talk.....
The last week I have been wanting to bake, but had other things to do, or it was honestly just too hot. last night I decided I wanted to do some baking, and got everything out for today...I made......drum roll please..
a chocolate peanuty butter cream pie....sooooo easy, and sooooooooo yummy!!!
a pumpkin pie (Josh heard I was gonna back and put in his request)
a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for my mom (her birthday is tomorrow)
and, that's all I baked that the baking bug is back I am planning some buckeye brownies, blueberry muffins, and maybe bread....but thats for another day.
Days like today I am so house is clean, my kids got along and played nicely and were happy, I got to bake, and still get other things accomplished as well.....this is how I feel every day that I am home should be, but the reality is......well, lets just say the reality is not quite that perfect :) LOL!
Gotta go get stuff together, tomorrow we are heading to middlebury to go to the beach and of course a&w YUM!!!!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
decent day Hooray!!
I was pleasantly surprised this morning by Athena waking me up becuase she was lonely...she had been up since about 6, and I figured it was 6:15.....nope. It was 7:23!! I was so happy! and the amazing part is that Caleb slept until 8:15 when I woke him up! I don't know, but I'll take it! heres hoping I am pleasantly suprised again tomorrow morning!
We had a nice morning playing with friends....I got to be the baby whisperer (not really, but I did get him to sleep) lol! and had some great grown up conversation while our kiddos played in the pool, on the swings, then created a playdoh mess (sorry again!!)
home for attempted naps.....well, given that the boy slept in I didnt really think he would sleep, but we gave it a shot...instead he and athena played together nicely and cooperatively for almost 2 hours while I got a bunch of little things done....lovely!
we headed to my moms later on so they could ride their bikes and play outside for a couple of hours, then we came back home for dinner and baths....and apparently early bedtime again tonight!
Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy but thats good because I have some baking to get done, and maybe the monkeys will play nicely again so I can make it through an entire baking project ......ya never know...
saturday is my mommys birthday, she is 40 again...:) and since josh and my dad work, me and the kids are going to middlebury with mom to go to the beach and a&w....should be a nice day.....
well, I am gonna go sit on the deck and eat my sundae cone before josh gets home from work. happy thursday night :)
We had a nice morning playing with friends....I got to be the baby whisperer (not really, but I did get him to sleep) lol! and had some great grown up conversation while our kiddos played in the pool, on the swings, then created a playdoh mess (sorry again!!)
home for attempted naps.....well, given that the boy slept in I didnt really think he would sleep, but we gave it a shot...instead he and athena played together nicely and cooperatively for almost 2 hours while I got a bunch of little things done....lovely!
we headed to my moms later on so they could ride their bikes and play outside for a couple of hours, then we came back home for dinner and baths....and apparently early bedtime again tonight!
Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy but thats good because I have some baking to get done, and maybe the monkeys will play nicely again so I can make it through an entire baking project ......ya never know...
saturday is my mommys birthday, she is 40 again...:) and since josh and my dad work, me and the kids are going to middlebury with mom to go to the beach and a&w....should be a nice day.....
well, I am gonna go sit on the deck and eat my sundae cone before josh gets home from work. happy thursday night :)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
first off for some reason I felt off all day. not mad, not happy, not really tired,just irritable and antsy....anyway, I picked up our yummy free pizza for dinner tonight and walked in the door expecting to see happy kids, and maybe even a hi honey how was your day...instead athena started crying because she wanted to open the door for me, caleb started crying because he wanted me to hug him but I was hugging athena, and josh, well he sat on the couch and was looking at calebs sticker book......
then, I looked around and realized that the 3 things I had asked J to do today (since he was off and I was at work) didnt get done. now before you think I asked too much here is what I asked....1)empty all the trash and take it out 2) bring in the table from my car and 2 drawers up to calebs room 3) vaccum(sp?)
so, after the kids settled down and started eating I stupidly tried to be wonder woman and get everything done because I cant stand starting my day off with chaos and mess.....yep. I did the trash brought in the table from my car, brought things upstairs but did not vacum becasue I had to find my inhalor and sit on the deck for awhile....yeah, gave my self a stupid asthma attack. yes this could have been prevented if hubs had done some things to help me, but did I have to wonder woman and do it all before 7pm? No. it would have been there when I got up tomorrow, or even later tonight......oh well I guess I learned my lesson....don't expect too much which can result in pleasant surprises, and dont overdo things becuase my asthma attack scared my girl who thought I was going to die cuz I couldnt breathe....
I am thankful for the servant heart my girl has. she kept checking on me, and bringing me stuffies, and water. she is the sweetest little thing, and I love that she is mine!!
anyway, I feel better now that I got that off my chest. please dont think that I am trying to bash my hubbny, I just was very frustrated and since I was feeling off all day anyway something in me literally snapped.....well since I cant do much else Im gonna lay in bed and read and go to sleep somewhat early so that tomorrow I can play with my monkeys....thank goodness we get new days so we can start over!!
then, I looked around and realized that the 3 things I had asked J to do today (since he was off and I was at work) didnt get done. now before you think I asked too much here is what I asked....1)empty all the trash and take it out 2) bring in the table from my car and 2 drawers up to calebs room 3) vaccum(sp?)
so, after the kids settled down and started eating I stupidly tried to be wonder woman and get everything done because I cant stand starting my day off with chaos and mess.....yep. I did the trash brought in the table from my car, brought things upstairs but did not vacum becasue I had to find my inhalor and sit on the deck for awhile....yeah, gave my self a stupid asthma attack. yes this could have been prevented if hubs had done some things to help me, but did I have to wonder woman and do it all before 7pm? No. it would have been there when I got up tomorrow, or even later tonight......oh well I guess I learned my lesson....don't expect too much which can result in pleasant surprises, and dont overdo things becuase my asthma attack scared my girl who thought I was going to die cuz I couldnt breathe....
I am thankful for the servant heart my girl has. she kept checking on me, and bringing me stuffies, and water. she is the sweetest little thing, and I love that she is mine!!
anyway, I feel better now that I got that off my chest. please dont think that I am trying to bash my hubbny, I just was very frustrated and since I was feeling off all day anyway something in me literally snapped.....well since I cant do much else Im gonna lay in bed and read and go to sleep somewhat early so that tomorrow I can play with my monkeys....thank goodness we get new days so we can start over!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
mundane monday
SO I was reading a couple of my friends blogs tonight....1 friend posted a link to a funny article that states funny things that kids have said about marriage, kids, being in love etc... another friend is writing a book, and writes really well anyway, but tonight she made me laugh as I read about her fly I dont have anything witty, funny, insightful to say, and I feel inadequate with my blogging skills :)
Today was just a typical monday at work, nothing exciting, same old same old....last night my kids both slept all night and woke up happy which was so awesome......and now they are snoozing peacefully in their beds. Josh just found the movie step brothers on tv so we are gonna go watch that, its funny for sure!!!!
maybe tomorrow I will have something inspiring to write for you all to read! :o)
Today was just a typical monday at work, nothing exciting, same old same old....last night my kids both slept all night and woke up happy which was so awesome......and now they are snoozing peacefully in their beds. Josh just found the movie step brothers on tv so we are gonna go watch that, its funny for sure!!!!
maybe tomorrow I will have something inspiring to write for you all to read! :o)
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Oh and by the way....
Since there were a few of you who I know read this, and I know you are dying to know.....yes I did go and get my bloodtest done. and the best part....well, one of the best parts was the guy that did it, literally was so incredibly awesome that I thought he was tricking me when he said "ok, gonna pinch" cuz I didnt feel anything......NOTHING!!! seriously, that is the first time ever that I have had someone that was that good. he was friendly (not too friendly) and efficient and I was in and out of there in 20 minutes! that never happens like that!!!
so, yay for me I went and they took my blood, and I will of course let you all know whats going on with all of this stuff as I know.
so, yay for me I went and they took my blood, and I will of course let you all know whats going on with all of this stuff as I know.
aaahhhhh......"cooler" weather today
Today at my parents church was a "guest speaker", well he was a guest to some folks there, but to me it was so nice to see/hear Pastor Stertzbach (uncle David) at church. I wish he was able to stay longer, but he does have his own church in Arizona, and I am sure he would like to go home where his wife is as well. Josh and I (and the kids) had the opportunity to spend some time with him the other day and we wanted to take him to lunch. anywhere he wanted....he picked Als. We loved that we could take him somewhere that was special to him, and it of course is a place we all love. Its also where Josh and I had our first date :)
Last night I mentioned that we were watching a movie -Life as we know it- and I feel the need to give an update on that. So, here it is: While it was a very good movie, had lots of good acting, funny moments. I was not happy about the way it was advertized as a comedy. I seriously, was depressed after watching this movie. Josh and I ended up staying up late talking, and literally going in and giving each of the kids hugs (while not waking them up of course!) Josh ended up having some bad/sad dreams as a result of watching the seriously, I feel like I need to have a conversation with the kids godparents and make sure everyone is on board just in case! And it also left me feeling completely helpless when it comes to the safety of my family. God forbid something happened to me, Josh, Athena or Caleb. I truly do not know what I would do. I guess I would do my best to continue life as we know it, but seriously, i am tearing up writing this, and thinking about the unthinkable. so anyway....Life as we know it. NOT a comedy. Do NOT watch this alone, do NOT watch this if you have children, of any age, and seriously, drive safe!!!!!
Ok, now that I am slightly depressed again, and you are thinking what is wrong with this girl, why is she so upset about that movie?, just go rent it and see for yourself :)
Today Josh was off, so after church we went to my parents and had a cookout, and let the kids swim. It was so beautiful out. not super hot, but still sunny and nice. then the boys went home and athena and I went school shopping. she wanted to get every pencil,eraser,marker,crayon notebook etc.. that they had, but I managed to contain some of her enthusiasm! we also had to get a lu nchbox for her brother so that "he wont be sad when I [athena] go to school" anyway, that was a new thing for me, buying school supplies with my daughter. not ready for this. want to keep her little. want her to stay home with me where it is safe.....but at the same time I cant wait to see her grow up, become independant,show her teacher how smart she is, make new friends...... Yep, I am still adjusting to this new stage in our life. those of you with older kids...any tips for me on surviving the first day of school, and any other helpful hints/ideas/tricks to make everything go a little smoother?
Last night I mentioned that we were watching a movie -Life as we know it- and I feel the need to give an update on that. So, here it is: While it was a very good movie, had lots of good acting, funny moments. I was not happy about the way it was advertized as a comedy. I seriously, was depressed after watching this movie. Josh and I ended up staying up late talking, and literally going in and giving each of the kids hugs (while not waking them up of course!) Josh ended up having some bad/sad dreams as a result of watching the seriously, I feel like I need to have a conversation with the kids godparents and make sure everyone is on board just in case! And it also left me feeling completely helpless when it comes to the safety of my family. God forbid something happened to me, Josh, Athena or Caleb. I truly do not know what I would do. I guess I would do my best to continue life as we know it, but seriously, i am tearing up writing this, and thinking about the unthinkable. so anyway....Life as we know it. NOT a comedy. Do NOT watch this alone, do NOT watch this if you have children, of any age, and seriously, drive safe!!!!!
Ok, now that I am slightly depressed again, and you are thinking what is wrong with this girl, why is she so upset about that movie?, just go rent it and see for yourself :)
Today Josh was off, so after church we went to my parents and had a cookout, and let the kids swim. It was so beautiful out. not super hot, but still sunny and nice. then the boys went home and athena and I went school shopping. she wanted to get every pencil,eraser,marker,crayon notebook etc.. that they had, but I managed to contain some of her enthusiasm! we also had to get a lu nchbox for her brother so that "he wont be sad when I [athena] go to school" anyway, that was a new thing for me, buying school supplies with my daughter. not ready for this. want to keep her little. want her to stay home with me where it is safe.....but at the same time I cant wait to see her grow up, become independant,show her teacher how smart she is, make new friends...... Yep, I am still adjusting to this new stage in our life. those of you with older kids...any tips for me on surviving the first day of school, and any other helpful hints/ideas/tricks to make everything go a little smoother?
Saturday, July 23, 2011
hot, hot, hot.....
It has been so hot lately...Its hard to not complain, I mean I love, love, LOVE the sun, and being outside, at the park, the beach, bike path etc.. but lately its even been too hot to do any of that...the pool at my parents house was actually almost hot, so not refreshing, but yet we were still in it splashing around yesterday and today.....
The kids got to go berry picking with my parents today when I was at work. They had a blast and as Caleb told me they "picked really juicy berries" and Athena said that they "picked 8 pounds of blueberries" I wish I could have gone, but I was at work doing what I do best....:)
so the kids went to bed early tonight and Josh and I are watching a movie......has anyone out there seen the movie Life as we know starts like a comedy, and then get really sad...thats where we are right I am going to go snuggle with my hubby and watch this movie, hopefully it will get funny again :0)
The kids got to go berry picking with my parents today when I was at work. They had a blast and as Caleb told me they "picked really juicy berries" and Athena said that they "picked 8 pounds of blueberries" I wish I could have gone, but I was at work doing what I do best....:)
so the kids went to bed early tonight and Josh and I are watching a movie......has anyone out there seen the movie Life as we know starts like a comedy, and then get really sad...thats where we are right I am going to go snuggle with my hubby and watch this movie, hopefully it will get funny again :0)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
good ears and 3 picks
Well, today I felt like a mean sneaky mommy......Athena had her 5 year check a couple of weeks ago and she knew that at some point we had to go back for her shots (thankfully only 3 today, since I had her get 2 last summer) well after calebs ENT appointment --hooray! his ears looked great! next appt 6 months!) I figured we might as well head over and get her shots done and over with. One of athenas favorite nurses is leaving ped med on friday so we had to go before she left.... well, I had told athena it was 1 or 2 shots come to find out it was actually 3shots....... athena wasnt too happy about that one, but she did a great job! she cried but stayed still for all 3 shots and then got a hug and 3 stickers from her nurse.
we had other errands to run but athena was so distraught after this that we had to go to grammies house for lunch and swimming ("I got 3 shots so I get to pick what we do today") then I got a pleasant surprise, my dad watched athena (caleb was sleeping) so I could go by myself to trading post in essex and stock up on next season clothes for the kids. since they are closing I have to get my fix in :) I was able to get a ton of great stuff, chat with michelle for a few minutes, and even stop into 1 other store before heading back to my parents house. this might sound like no big deal, but to me any time that I can go shopping alone, its such a blessing! I love my kids and wouldnt trade being with them for the world, but sometimes, its nice to just be able to get in and out of the car quickly. no car seats to worry about, in and out of a store, not worrying where everyone is....lovely :)
now i am sitting in the nice cool air conditioned room typing away for you to read all about my day...tomorrow I am getting my blood tests done. josh is off so I can get up and head out to do that, and then I will get groceries, well there may be a DD stop in there somewhere, but I think I deserve it after getting blood taken out of my body :)
stay cool tonight!!
we had other errands to run but athena was so distraught after this that we had to go to grammies house for lunch and swimming ("I got 3 shots so I get to pick what we do today") then I got a pleasant surprise, my dad watched athena (caleb was sleeping) so I could go by myself to trading post in essex and stock up on next season clothes for the kids. since they are closing I have to get my fix in :) I was able to get a ton of great stuff, chat with michelle for a few minutes, and even stop into 1 other store before heading back to my parents house. this might sound like no big deal, but to me any time that I can go shopping alone, its such a blessing! I love my kids and wouldnt trade being with them for the world, but sometimes, its nice to just be able to get in and out of the car quickly. no car seats to worry about, in and out of a store, not worrying where everyone is....lovely :)
now i am sitting in the nice cool air conditioned room typing away for you to read all about my day...tomorrow I am getting my blood tests done. josh is off so I can get up and head out to do that, and then I will get groceries, well there may be a DD stop in there somewhere, but I think I deserve it after getting blood taken out of my body :)
stay cool tonight!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
so the last two days at work have been rather....well,dramatic......yesterday was just busy, but today we had someone on the verge of passing out---laying on the floor with feet up in the waiting room, someone throwing up, getting to her car, throwing up, coming back in for IV, getting to her car and throwing up again. Again, another patient came in and ran out the door coughing and throwing yeah it was a little out of the ordinary and nuts!
I was excited to get home because the kids had made me chocolate covered strawberries, and Josh was making dinner, so I could get home sit down and eat....well on the way home my mom sent me a text that athenas blankie "purple" was forgotten I got home and ate dinner and headed back out to get purple while josh did baths. the kids were clean and in jammies when I got home, but since they didnt really see me they both wanted me to put them to bed, so finally at 8ish I get to sit down and relax.......
tomorrow caleb has an appointment with ENT to make sure his ears/tubes/hearing are still doing ok, and then I get to be a mean mommy and "surprise" athena with a trip to the pediatrician so she can get her last two imms for school. the upside is her favorite nurse will be there and we are requesting she do them, and we are going to my moms after so they can swim,swim,swim!!!
somehow I need to fit in a zumba workout, and some cleaning, but I am going to try to just enjoy my day with my monkeys and of course, sit in the sun and get just a little more brown :)
I was excited to get home because the kids had made me chocolate covered strawberries, and Josh was making dinner, so I could get home sit down and eat....well on the way home my mom sent me a text that athenas blankie "purple" was forgotten I got home and ate dinner and headed back out to get purple while josh did baths. the kids were clean and in jammies when I got home, but since they didnt really see me they both wanted me to put them to bed, so finally at 8ish I get to sit down and relax.......
tomorrow caleb has an appointment with ENT to make sure his ears/tubes/hearing are still doing ok, and then I get to be a mean mommy and "surprise" athena with a trip to the pediatrician so she can get her last two imms for school. the upside is her favorite nurse will be there and we are requesting she do them, and we are going to my moms after so they can swim,swim,swim!!!
somehow I need to fit in a zumba workout, and some cleaning, but I am going to try to just enjoy my day with my monkeys and of course, sit in the sun and get just a little more brown :)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
another decent day!
Today was pretty decent. we went to church, I loved the special music today, and the pregnant lady in the group looks really good considering she only has a few weeks left :)
then the kids took naps, and I got to watch grown up tv and sip ice tea, then everyone woke up and we headed out to the pool where my monkeys had a crazy fun time swimming and splashing with their grammie....after dinner we told the kids we had a surprise for them, and they went nuts trying to figure out what it was..."mommy, what is the suprise? are we there yet? where are we going?" we gave in and told them where we were going cuz the questions were getting to be a little obsessive! where was I?....oh yeah, creemies....sooooooo good, and the kids ran around outside for a bit then reluctantly got in the car and went home....actually the convinced us to stop at the park for "5 5" and then it was home for jammies,stories and bed....not a bad day.
Now I am relaxing, writing to those of you who read my various ramblings. I think I will grab a book and read with the air conditioner on before falling asleep slightly early tonight.....
then the kids took naps, and I got to watch grown up tv and sip ice tea, then everyone woke up and we headed out to the pool where my monkeys had a crazy fun time swimming and splashing with their grammie....after dinner we told the kids we had a surprise for them, and they went nuts trying to figure out what it was..."mommy, what is the suprise? are we there yet? where are we going?" we gave in and told them where we were going cuz the questions were getting to be a little obsessive! where was I?....oh yeah, creemies....sooooooo good, and the kids ran around outside for a bit then reluctantly got in the car and went home....actually the convinced us to stop at the park for "5 5" and then it was home for jammies,stories and bed....not a bad day.
Now I am relaxing, writing to those of you who read my various ramblings. I think I will grab a book and read with the air conditioner on before falling asleep slightly early tonight.....
Saturday, July 16, 2011
not a bad day
Today I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep past 6am, relax a little snuggle my monkeys, you know the "perfect" morning you think of before you have kids :) instead I was woken by the boy making lovely whiny sounds becuase he wanted to climb in bed with me but was too lazy to do it himself :) this in turn woke up the girl who had climbed in with me around 5 and fallen back to sleep. needless to say she was also woken up and the first words I hears were "man,caaaaaaleb, I was sleeping!" lovely....
after they were fed and a cartoon they both agreed on was found, I climbed into the shower to get myself ready since I work Ijust about) every saturday.
dropped off the kids and headed to be pleasantly surprised by the fact that there were only a couple of patients scheduled before I turned on the phones. then I got to have a special helper who came in with her brother....too cute! Got out a little early and went to lunch with my hubby! totally unplanned which made it so much more fun! picked up the monkeys but ended up staying at grammies for a few hours playing outside since it was sooooooooo gorgeous today! came home and made chicken parm,noodles and green beans which everyone ate! the kids had a blast playing with daddy and then got a nice scrub down in the tub,some snuggles with mommy and daddy and bedtime...all in all a pretty good day even if it started off a little shaky :)
after they were fed and a cartoon they both agreed on was found, I climbed into the shower to get myself ready since I work Ijust about) every saturday.
dropped off the kids and headed to be pleasantly surprised by the fact that there were only a couple of patients scheduled before I turned on the phones. then I got to have a special helper who came in with her brother....too cute! Got out a little early and went to lunch with my hubby! totally unplanned which made it so much more fun! picked up the monkeys but ended up staying at grammies for a few hours playing outside since it was sooooooooo gorgeous today! came home and made chicken parm,noodles and green beans which everyone ate! the kids had a blast playing with daddy and then got a nice scrub down in the tub,some snuggles with mommy and daddy and bedtime...all in all a pretty good day even if it started off a little shaky :)
Friday, July 15, 2011
random.....and I really hate blood tests....
Howdy everyone out there in blogger world......
I had an interesting phone call the other day completely out of the blue, and definitely not expected. At first I was hesitant about it, but decided it wouldnt hurt anything to I did, and it was a completely positive experience that if I did not believe in God I would say was just weird and random, but I know that nothing God plans is random, and that he puts things in our paths when HE wants us to receive them, not when we think we should get them. yes this is rather vague, nothing is definite right now, but it was just so awesome for me to experience his direction and leading in something that I did not think at all was an option......
Ok, sorry I will explain myself in a later post when things are more definite. this next item on my agenda is something that most of you know about but for those of you who dont, I will explain in a minute.
I am not usually a procrastinator, but I have been bad. I was supposed to get some labs done to check my levels (its been over a year) this past week, but I kept putting it off and putting it off, and now another week has gone by. I dont know why it unnerves me, but it does. I think it is the combination of 1) blood being taken from my body-alot of blood, not just 1 tube!- I hate blood tests, if blood was supposed to be outside our body we wouldnt have skin (just sayin') 2)I know the tumor is there, its just the not knowing if it has grown, or moved again, or what the next treatment step will be...I dont like unknown. 3) Its dumb, I work in a medical office, I know that if you pretend something isnt there, it still is, but I think sometimes I just pretend there isnt a tumor......
anyway, all that to say I need to suck it up and go get my blood drawn, and then I need to meet with my dr to find out the results, and make another treatment plan.
ok, for those of you who dont know, dont freak out, its not as bad as it sounds. its not great, but anyway, here it is...
we found out after a multitude of tests back in 2005 that I have a pituitary adenoma. basically a tumor on my pituitary gland which made me unable to get pregnant. once this was diagnosed and I was put on (evil) medicine I was able to get pregnant with athena. I have to get my prolactin levels checked about once a year, and usually an mri is required as well to get a visual of the size and location of the tumor. one time it moved ...weird. now its not a huge tumor, like the size of a pencil eraser, but still sometimes the whole concept that I have a tumor inside my head gets to be unnerving. I have not been taking the medicine for just about a year because 1) I hate it, it makes me so sick 2)I didnt have insurance and the rx ran out 3) the main reason I would take the medicine in the past was so I could regulate and attempt to get pregnant. well, since we are DONE having babies, I just kind of forgot to take the meds..... yeah my dr will not be happy with me next week :/
so, in a nutshell thats been on my mind lately, and hopefully sometime next week I will get to blog that my levels were low and my dr is happy!........Ill keep you posted!
if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!!
I had an interesting phone call the other day completely out of the blue, and definitely not expected. At first I was hesitant about it, but decided it wouldnt hurt anything to I did, and it was a completely positive experience that if I did not believe in God I would say was just weird and random, but I know that nothing God plans is random, and that he puts things in our paths when HE wants us to receive them, not when we think we should get them. yes this is rather vague, nothing is definite right now, but it was just so awesome for me to experience his direction and leading in something that I did not think at all was an option......
Ok, sorry I will explain myself in a later post when things are more definite. this next item on my agenda is something that most of you know about but for those of you who dont, I will explain in a minute.
I am not usually a procrastinator, but I have been bad. I was supposed to get some labs done to check my levels (its been over a year) this past week, but I kept putting it off and putting it off, and now another week has gone by. I dont know why it unnerves me, but it does. I think it is the combination of 1) blood being taken from my body-alot of blood, not just 1 tube!- I hate blood tests, if blood was supposed to be outside our body we wouldnt have skin (just sayin') 2)I know the tumor is there, its just the not knowing if it has grown, or moved again, or what the next treatment step will be...I dont like unknown. 3) Its dumb, I work in a medical office, I know that if you pretend something isnt there, it still is, but I think sometimes I just pretend there isnt a tumor......
anyway, all that to say I need to suck it up and go get my blood drawn, and then I need to meet with my dr to find out the results, and make another treatment plan.
ok, for those of you who dont know, dont freak out, its not as bad as it sounds. its not great, but anyway, here it is...
we found out after a multitude of tests back in 2005 that I have a pituitary adenoma. basically a tumor on my pituitary gland which made me unable to get pregnant. once this was diagnosed and I was put on (evil) medicine I was able to get pregnant with athena. I have to get my prolactin levels checked about once a year, and usually an mri is required as well to get a visual of the size and location of the tumor. one time it moved ...weird. now its not a huge tumor, like the size of a pencil eraser, but still sometimes the whole concept that I have a tumor inside my head gets to be unnerving. I have not been taking the medicine for just about a year because 1) I hate it, it makes me so sick 2)I didnt have insurance and the rx ran out 3) the main reason I would take the medicine in the past was so I could regulate and attempt to get pregnant. well, since we are DONE having babies, I just kind of forgot to take the meds..... yeah my dr will not be happy with me next week :/
so, in a nutshell thats been on my mind lately, and hopefully sometime next week I will get to blog that my levels were low and my dr is happy!........Ill keep you posted!
if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
blah blah blah
well, I am not really sure what to write about...I have been kind of annoyed the last couple of days with things that I should just accept and let go, but for some reason they still bug instead of writing about those things, and dwelling on them I am going to find something positive that happened sunday yesterday and goes :)
Sunday------> it wasa gorgeous day, I got to talk to a friend of mine at church, after naps I took the kids to the park and we had a good time!
Monday--------> when I stopped at the gas station to get an ice coffe the two guys in a delivery truck whistled at me (Iknow,but sometimes its a nice thing to be noticed), my buddy was back from vacation so we could have fun at work
tuesday-----------------> josh got another a/c for the living room so now I can work out again, my kids were thrilled to see me at the end of the day, josh and I are watching kevin james comedy and laughing....I love laughing with Josh
there....better, yeah I really am, now I am sitting here smiling instead of frowning at the computer.....
have a lovely evening, and maybe tomorrow I can get pics posted of my princesses birthday was almost a whole month ago now....
Sunday------> it wasa gorgeous day, I got to talk to a friend of mine at church, after naps I took the kids to the park and we had a good time!
Monday--------> when I stopped at the gas station to get an ice coffe the two guys in a delivery truck whistled at me (Iknow,but sometimes its a nice thing to be noticed), my buddy was back from vacation so we could have fun at work
tuesday-----------------> josh got another a/c for the living room so now I can work out again, my kids were thrilled to see me at the end of the day, josh and I are watching kevin james comedy and laughing....I love laughing with Josh
there....better, yeah I really am, now I am sitting here smiling instead of frowning at the computer.....
have a lovely evening, and maybe tomorrow I can get pics posted of my princesses birthday was almost a whole month ago now....
Sunday, July 10, 2011
so today was the last day that the pastor and his family were at trinity,actually that they were in vermont. they are being moved to north carolina where he will have less stress I believe and enjoy what he will be doing. Before anyone gets mad at me, I am going to be rather frank,blunt, whatever, I am just going to lay it out there, and hopefully not offend anyone in the process.....
I truly feel sorry for whoever takes the position of senior pastor at that church. the church has too many people who think things need to be run the way they were back when the church was founded, and they are not happy unless that is the way it is. Unfortunately things change, and people need to be willing to change, and until that is able to happen there will be discord, or unhappiness, or struggle whatever the right word is.....
Having been in delaware last year, I was able to attend an incredible church that honestly, I still miss, and think about every sunday, because I was so happy there. the people genuinely love each other , and were so welcoming that I was literally blown away my first time there!! we were greeted every week, asked how things were going, adjusting to delaware etc... the way that church should be. not people who put on their sunday outfit along with their personality for the day.
these people love the Lord, they love to serve, they love each other, just an incredible experience.
My parents church needs someone with a strong personality who will stand up for what he thinks is right and what he wants to get done while still leading and loving the church family. in return the church family needs to be a church family, show the respect and love to their leader, the pastor, and if he doesnt like an idea or a suggestion then accept it and let it go becuase he knows what is best for the church.
My little family is not sure where we will be attending church at the end ofthe summer, but wherever we decide it will be the best place for us and our children.
ok, well I just had to get this off my chest. I am saddened when I think about the way that the pastor of my parents church was treated , and honestly the lack of respect that he just isnt right, and now he is gone. yes he handled alot of things poorly, and shouldnt have done other things, but he is human, and he did what he thought was right at the time, and with the resources that he had available to him.
ok...ok...enough, I dont want to start a problem or argument out here, I just wanted to get this off my chest. I probably wont publish this post, if someone stumbles upon this on my blog, then maybe you were meant to read it. :)
I truly feel sorry for whoever takes the position of senior pastor at that church. the church has too many people who think things need to be run the way they were back when the church was founded, and they are not happy unless that is the way it is. Unfortunately things change, and people need to be willing to change, and until that is able to happen there will be discord, or unhappiness, or struggle whatever the right word is.....
Having been in delaware last year, I was able to attend an incredible church that honestly, I still miss, and think about every sunday, because I was so happy there. the people genuinely love each other , and were so welcoming that I was literally blown away my first time there!! we were greeted every week, asked how things were going, adjusting to delaware etc... the way that church should be. not people who put on their sunday outfit along with their personality for the day.
these people love the Lord, they love to serve, they love each other, just an incredible experience.
My parents church needs someone with a strong personality who will stand up for what he thinks is right and what he wants to get done while still leading and loving the church family. in return the church family needs to be a church family, show the respect and love to their leader, the pastor, and if he doesnt like an idea or a suggestion then accept it and let it go becuase he knows what is best for the church.
My little family is not sure where we will be attending church at the end ofthe summer, but wherever we decide it will be the best place for us and our children.
ok, well I just had to get this off my chest. I am saddened when I think about the way that the pastor of my parents church was treated , and honestly the lack of respect that he just isnt right, and now he is gone. yes he handled alot of things poorly, and shouldnt have done other things, but he is human, and he did what he thought was right at the time, and with the resources that he had available to him.
ok...ok...enough, I dont want to start a problem or argument out here, I just wanted to get this off my chest. I probably wont publish this post, if someone stumbles upon this on my blog, then maybe you were meant to read it. :)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
jumbled thoughts
Today at work I spoke to a sweet old man who was very concerned about his wife. Now he was calling to see what we could do or have him do to help his wife becuase she was in pain. Now, his wife is in hospice care, and probably wont be long on the earth, but her husband loves her and just wants to do whatever he can to make her matter what. I had to make a few different call to the vna, her pcp, and then back to the husband, and every time he was so sweet. thanking me for helping, and blessing my day, and I just wanted to reach through the phone and give him a hug because the last time I spoke to him her just sounded sad. like he was accepting the fact that his wife, his soulmate probably isn't going to live much longer.
It made me think about my life, and how I want to be the wife that my husband will still do a ything for 50 years from now, the mom that my kids will want to please when the tables turn and they become our caretakers.
On a lighter note, it seems that my little man is pretty much potty trained! he still uses a diaper at bedtime, and if we will be out for a long time, but we ran an errand this afternoon, and then got home and went for a walk all with his "big boy car undies" and the srayed totally dry!!!
hooray!!!!!! I cant wait to really save money not buying diapers...I have been buying diapers for over 5 years!!! :)
well, I am going to go watch hoarders on tv...I know, its a bizarre reality show, but I just love watching those shows!
It made me think about my life, and how I want to be the wife that my husband will still do a ything for 50 years from now, the mom that my kids will want to please when the tables turn and they become our caretakers.
On a lighter note, it seems that my little man is pretty much potty trained! he still uses a diaper at bedtime, and if we will be out for a long time, but we ran an errand this afternoon, and then got home and went for a walk all with his "big boy car undies" and the srayed totally dry!!!
hooray!!!!!! I cant wait to really save money not buying diapers...I have been buying diapers for over 5 years!!! :)
well, I am going to go watch hoarders on tv...I know, its a bizarre reality show, but I just love watching those shows!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
today was a good day...
So a week or two ago I wrote about how I was not feeling like myself, and was angry and basically didnt want to be here, didnt want the responsibilities that I have and was pretty much envying everyone elses life.....
Well, after writing I talked to my dr and I am trying a new medication. apparently the other one that I was on could cause extreme agitation...hmmm....well that was the problem....anyway. Two weeks into new medication, and attempting to be positive and content with what I have and where I am right now....and I had a great day with my kids today!
it started with caleb getting up and peeing in the potty (@6:30am) and then the kiddos played nicely together until I decided what we were gonna do this morning....we got ready and went to my moms (she was at work) and played outside, and swam in her pool, and decorated her driveway with sidewalk chalk. then after lunch we headed home where they were supposed to take naps....nope. apparently they were having too much fun with mommy today....
so they got to lie in our bed and watch a movie while I started some cleaning.....well, this snowballed into a total overhaul of the upstairs. rearranging bedrooms, hanging hooks, sorting toys.....ahhhh......I feel calm when I go upstairs now, and dont mind looking around. then we tackled the downstairs. I organized book baskets, decluttered a little, and then found a fun cd from when I was teaching.....we danced away for awhile laughing and being silly, and it was so nice....I dont think I have enjoyed my kids like that for a long time.
then after we were all hot and sweaty we headed back upstairs where the air conditioner is to cool off where I was roped into playing barbies....actually it was kind of fun...I think I was still playing when athena had moved on to ponies :)
then it was time for me to start dinner so the kiddos got to watch sprout . then daddy came home and now he is throwing rubber balls at the kids while they try to run past him...kind of like dodge rock( :o) christopher will get that) anyway, they are laughing like crazy and its such a great end to a great day!
the other awesome thing is they will conk out pretty early with no naps, so josh and I can watch a movie and maybe have a conversation tonight :)
Well, after writing I talked to my dr and I am trying a new medication. apparently the other one that I was on could cause extreme agitation...hmmm....well that was the problem....anyway. Two weeks into new medication, and attempting to be positive and content with what I have and where I am right now....and I had a great day with my kids today!
it started with caleb getting up and peeing in the potty (@6:30am) and then the kiddos played nicely together until I decided what we were gonna do this morning....we got ready and went to my moms (she was at work) and played outside, and swam in her pool, and decorated her driveway with sidewalk chalk. then after lunch we headed home where they were supposed to take naps....nope. apparently they were having too much fun with mommy today....
so they got to lie in our bed and watch a movie while I started some cleaning.....well, this snowballed into a total overhaul of the upstairs. rearranging bedrooms, hanging hooks, sorting toys.....ahhhh......I feel calm when I go upstairs now, and dont mind looking around. then we tackled the downstairs. I organized book baskets, decluttered a little, and then found a fun cd from when I was teaching.....we danced away for awhile laughing and being silly, and it was so nice....I dont think I have enjoyed my kids like that for a long time.
then after we were all hot and sweaty we headed back upstairs where the air conditioner is to cool off where I was roped into playing barbies....actually it was kind of fun...I think I was still playing when athena had moved on to ponies :)
then it was time for me to start dinner so the kiddos got to watch sprout . then daddy came home and now he is throwing rubber balls at the kids while they try to run past him...kind of like dodge rock( :o) christopher will get that) anyway, they are laughing like crazy and its such a great end to a great day!
the other awesome thing is they will conk out pretty early with no naps, so josh and I can watch a movie and maybe have a conversation tonight :)
Things I am thankful for
So lately I have been feeling a little envious of various things that other people have----> bigger house, backyard, kids that sleep, husbands that do extra around the house.....
when I realized that envying what they have is not only wrong, but not going to change the things in my life, so this morning I decided to make a list of the things that I DO have and am thankful here it goes---in no particular order:
1. My home. granted it is small, and has no backyard, but it serves its purpose and its only for 1 year.
2. my husband. he works hard, long hours to take care of us.
3. my job. the days and hours are perfect, and the people are fun :)
4. my kids. they are the smartest, funniest little people I know, and I thank God for my 2 little miracles, and cannot imagine my life without them!!
5. my parents. they are always willing to help out however they can.
6. the beautiful sunshine that has been out lately, I so love the sun!
7. my friends. they are always there whenever I need to talk, or have retail therapy
8. second hand stores (goodwill,once upon a child,trading post...). I know, but I just love finding an awesome deal on something!!!
well, that's all I can come up with right now, I know that there are other things, but off the top of my head thats it! :)
have a lovely sunny day today, and be thankful for what you have.
when I realized that envying what they have is not only wrong, but not going to change the things in my life, so this morning I decided to make a list of the things that I DO have and am thankful here it goes---in no particular order:
1. My home. granted it is small, and has no backyard, but it serves its purpose and its only for 1 year.
2. my husband. he works hard, long hours to take care of us.
3. my job. the days and hours are perfect, and the people are fun :)
4. my kids. they are the smartest, funniest little people I know, and I thank God for my 2 little miracles, and cannot imagine my life without them!!
5. my parents. they are always willing to help out however they can.
6. the beautiful sunshine that has been out lately, I so love the sun!
7. my friends. they are always there whenever I need to talk, or have retail therapy
8. second hand stores (goodwill,once upon a child,trading post...). I know, but I just love finding an awesome deal on something!!!
well, that's all I can come up with right now, I know that there are other things, but off the top of my head thats it! :)
have a lovely sunny day today, and be thankful for what you have.
Monday, July 4, 2011
4th of july
well its been about a week, but I wasn't ignoring you my feollow bloggers, I was super busy and just havent had a chance to sit down and type anything worthwhile....lets see if I can catch you all up to our life.....
my princess, my baby girl turned 5 8 days ago, and I cant believe I have a 5 year old! she had an awesome time , and is already thinking about what she wants to do next year for her "six year old party"
last week was vacation bible school at my parents church and athena and caleb went every single day! athena learned her verses, did her homework, made new friends, and had a great time! she won the top prize and was so excited and proud of herself!!
this weekend we didnt do fireworks, but went to the williston parade with my parents. athena did great, she snagged lots of candy and had fun. caleb on the other hand did not enjoy himself. he yelled. he cried. he pouted. until the parade started and then seemed to think they were throwing candy right at him! after the parade we walked to the green to get lunch and the regular festivities....but caleb, didnt want todo that. he yelled. he screamed. he hollered for me to hold him. so we left. I took him to my parents and put him down for a nap....athena got to stay with my parents and she had a great time! then after nap they went swimming in the pool, I got soaked, but honestly didnt complain was just too hot!
then when Josh got home from work we had a nice cookout, complete with s'mores and watermelon. yummmmmy! the perfect end to a day. both kids are snoozing so josh is watching a movie while I am typing away on my new laptop...yep. my hubby got me a laptop which is lovely!! Im in my bed with the ac going but yet still online...i could get used to this :)
well, I am gonna go read a little bit hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of july.......I am hoping to keepup blogging better now that I dont have an excuse :)
my princess, my baby girl turned 5 8 days ago, and I cant believe I have a 5 year old! she had an awesome time , and is already thinking about what she wants to do next year for her "six year old party"
last week was vacation bible school at my parents church and athena and caleb went every single day! athena learned her verses, did her homework, made new friends, and had a great time! she won the top prize and was so excited and proud of herself!!
this weekend we didnt do fireworks, but went to the williston parade with my parents. athena did great, she snagged lots of candy and had fun. caleb on the other hand did not enjoy himself. he yelled. he cried. he pouted. until the parade started and then seemed to think they were throwing candy right at him! after the parade we walked to the green to get lunch and the regular festivities....but caleb, didnt want todo that. he yelled. he screamed. he hollered for me to hold him. so we left. I took him to my parents and put him down for a nap....athena got to stay with my parents and she had a great time! then after nap they went swimming in the pool, I got soaked, but honestly didnt complain was just too hot!
then when Josh got home from work we had a nice cookout, complete with s'mores and watermelon. yummmmmy! the perfect end to a day. both kids are snoozing so josh is watching a movie while I am typing away on my new laptop...yep. my hubby got me a laptop which is lovely!! Im in my bed with the ac going but yet still online...i could get used to this :)
well, I am gonna go read a little bit hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of july.......I am hoping to keepup blogging better now that I dont have an excuse :)
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