Thank goodness for new days.....Other than the fact that Caleb was up literally every couple of hours to go to the bathroom (and for some reason he cant go without me) everyone slept great, and woke up happy!
Athena did an awesome job getting ready for school, no arguing at all, and then happily went to school.
We went to a "new" park in colchester this afternoon and the kids had a great time exploring and playing , then were beyond tired when we got home so they got to watch a new movie (new to them) Hotel for was pretty cute.
In the midst of this Athena had a very upset stomach so she might stay home tomorrow to rest her belly...we will see...poor peanut, if its not one thing its another
I made a yummy dinner...I meant to take pictures for all of you, but I didnt...maybe another time :) we had garlic chicken scampi with green beans, and for dessert....Pumpkin spice dump cake. Oh. my. word. It was so good !!! and sooooooo easy to make (win-win!!)
now the kids are snoozing Josh is eating his dinner and then gonna relax a bit on the heating pad to help this headache go away....
Thanks for the encouraging words from some of you! I am feeling like my black cloud is lifting away :)
Happy Monday
About Me

- Kellie
- I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !
Monday, April 30, 2012
new day
So after posting my rather depressing post last night, Josh and I were able to talk a little bit about things, and then had a good time of prayer. I feel better about stuff, and I know that whatever happens is Gods will. I will also try not to whine quite so much in the next few posts :)
We hopefully have some fun stuff to do this week....Baking, walks in the woods, park with will be a good week!
We hopefully have some fun stuff to do this week....Baking, walks in the woods, park with will be a good week!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
racing thoughts....
So, I have alot of jumbled thoughts in my head. I will do my best to organize them and make this seem somewhat promises though.
I am feeling so torn and unsettled lately. We want to continue sending out kids to the school that they are currently attending. There is going to be a slight increase in tuition this year. I am not upset about the increase whatsoever. I mean my wallet is upset, but I understand the need for the increase. The part I am torn and unsettled about is the future. I do not know how on earth we will be able to afford to send them. Josh changed jobs and took a decent pay cut. I work part time, mostly for the insurance......anyway, all that to say that today while I was thinking about it, and looking over the paperwork I just wanted to cry. It just felt so hopeless to me..... we are trying so hard to do right by our kids, and as I am sitting here typing all this out my eyes are welling up with tears. I dont want to, and honestly canNOT send her to the public school in our town. I feel trapped by money, or lack thereof.
--this is not a pity party, sometimes putting it on "paper" helps...--- I know that if God wants our kids to continue where they are (and I believe he does) that he will work things out for us, and we just need to be patient (so much easier said than done).
We have been throwing around another option for this upcoming school year, but I dont think it will pan out, I would love it if it worked out, but again, something else to pray about...
Contentment. I need it. I want it. I am trying so hard to attain it.....without much success. :( I am willing to stay where we are living and sacrifice so that we have "extra" money to put toward tuition, but I feel that staying here is affecting not just my health, but Athenas health now too. I am always looking online for somewhere else to live where we would feel healthier, but around here theres nothing even close to what we are paying now thats in a decent area.
Just in case any of you out there run across something heres what we are looking for:
2-3 bedrooms, 1 and 1/2 bathrooms, yard, own entrance, non smoking a garage and/or basement would be awesome, but not a need. Preferably in williston,essex, south burlington or nearby town. williston would be so very perfect since we both work in williston and thats where the kids school is, but again, not a need.
I feel trapped in this apartment. I want to go for walks, I want the kids to play outside safely, I want to have enough space so that I can have a dresser again, in my bedroom......anyway, enough of that :)
I am looking into a second part time job for myself, to be able to earn "extra" money.....I am actually excited about it, but cant start it yet...more to come in the next week or so about this.
My "baby" girl graduates from kindergarten in a couple of weeks. I cant believe it. almost an entire school year has passed.....shes so excited and proud of herself :)
I feel unappreciated. I know every mom goes through this, but lately its really bothering me. Oh well
Athena is getting over her 18th sinus infection in a year and a half. so she is being seen by ENT this month to come up with a plan. My guess -and Im not a dr- is that they are going to do a tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy....but we will see.
Well, I think that I have emptied out a good part of whats been running around inside my head. This wasnt one of my 'happier' posts, but they cant all be happy and lighthearted :)
I am feeling so torn and unsettled lately. We want to continue sending out kids to the school that they are currently attending. There is going to be a slight increase in tuition this year. I am not upset about the increase whatsoever. I mean my wallet is upset, but I understand the need for the increase. The part I am torn and unsettled about is the future. I do not know how on earth we will be able to afford to send them. Josh changed jobs and took a decent pay cut. I work part time, mostly for the insurance......anyway, all that to say that today while I was thinking about it, and looking over the paperwork I just wanted to cry. It just felt so hopeless to me..... we are trying so hard to do right by our kids, and as I am sitting here typing all this out my eyes are welling up with tears. I dont want to, and honestly canNOT send her to the public school in our town. I feel trapped by money, or lack thereof.
--this is not a pity party, sometimes putting it on "paper" helps...--- I know that if God wants our kids to continue where they are (and I believe he does) that he will work things out for us, and we just need to be patient (so much easier said than done).
We have been throwing around another option for this upcoming school year, but I dont think it will pan out, I would love it if it worked out, but again, something else to pray about...
Contentment. I need it. I want it. I am trying so hard to attain it.....without much success. :( I am willing to stay where we are living and sacrifice so that we have "extra" money to put toward tuition, but I feel that staying here is affecting not just my health, but Athenas health now too. I am always looking online for somewhere else to live where we would feel healthier, but around here theres nothing even close to what we are paying now thats in a decent area.
Just in case any of you out there run across something heres what we are looking for:
2-3 bedrooms, 1 and 1/2 bathrooms, yard, own entrance, non smoking a garage and/or basement would be awesome, but not a need. Preferably in williston,essex, south burlington or nearby town. williston would be so very perfect since we both work in williston and thats where the kids school is, but again, not a need.
I feel trapped in this apartment. I want to go for walks, I want the kids to play outside safely, I want to have enough space so that I can have a dresser again, in my bedroom......anyway, enough of that :)
I am looking into a second part time job for myself, to be able to earn "extra" money.....I am actually excited about it, but cant start it yet...more to come in the next week or so about this.
My "baby" girl graduates from kindergarten in a couple of weeks. I cant believe it. almost an entire school year has passed.....shes so excited and proud of herself :)
I feel unappreciated. I know every mom goes through this, but lately its really bothering me. Oh well
Athena is getting over her 18th sinus infection in a year and a half. so she is being seen by ENT this month to come up with a plan. My guess -and Im not a dr- is that they are going to do a tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy....but we will see.
Well, I think that I have emptied out a good part of whats been running around inside my head. This wasnt one of my 'happier' posts, but they cant all be happy and lighthearted :)
Saturday, April 21, 2012
our week
well, it feels like the week blew by us, but we had fun .....
we explored the parks and waterfalls near our house...
we went to the park and had a ended abruptly when a bird poo'd on athena
we played outside
I got alot of cleaning done, and feel somewhat project is going to be the computer desk area...not enough energy to get that done right now! :)
We had a fun playdate with a "new" friend. (forgot my camera or Id have pics)
Got to go to the airport twice to see the planes when we picked up and dropped off the car for my parents.
not a bad week.....thinking about going to a movie later today...we will see.....
Have a great weekend!
we explored the parks and waterfalls near our house...
we went to the park and had a ended abruptly when a bird poo'd on athena
we played outside
I got alot of cleaning done, and feel somewhat project is going to be the computer desk area...not enough energy to get that done right now! :)
We had a fun playdate with a "new" friend. (forgot my camera or Id have pics)
Got to go to the airport twice to see the planes when we picked up and dropped off the car for my parents.
not a bad week.....thinking about going to a movie later today...we will see.....
Have a great weekend!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Quote of the day
I have done so much stuff today and am so hot and sweaty that I decided to share the quote of the day with you that was on my calender..........
so here it is:
"Bring us O Lord enter into that gate and dwell in that house, where there shall be no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light; no noise nor silence, but one equal ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity, in the habitation of your majesty and Your glory, world without end."
- John Donne
Stay cool, I will try to do more tomorrow
so here it is:
"Bring us O Lord enter into that gate and dwell in that house, where there shall be no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light; no noise nor silence, but one equal ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity, in the habitation of your majesty and Your glory, world without end."
- John Donne
Stay cool, I will try to do more tomorrow
Sunday, April 15, 2012
sunny sunday
What a lovely day! Today at church Pastor Pelletier spoke and it is always such a joy to listen to him. He is such a Godly man, and I pray that he will be able to beat the cancer again that has come back....
After church we took the kids to friendlys since its free for them to eat when we do..LOVE that! it cost $18 for 4 of us for lunch!! cant beat that and the kids did a great job the whole time!
After coming home and resting for a little bit we had to do a coscto always amazes me how we can never get out of that store for under $50! its like a black hole or something! LOL!! anyway, we had told the kids after we did that we would go do something fun outside, and so we went and explored the winooski falls area. it was just absoloutely gorgeous outside! the kids ran and ran, and got to see and pet lots of dogs.
Tonight was breakfast for dinner: bacon,eggs,french toast and fruit...yum! I love doing breakfast for dinner, so fun!
then we literally had to keep the kids awake until about 5 minutes ago. they got rides to their beds and are probably already sound asleep! Gotta love fresh air! ;)
tomorrow school starts back up so back to the routine...I think Athena is thrilled, she loves her teacher, Im not as thrilled, I kind of liked not having to get her dressed and out the door by 730...oh well, only a few more weeks left!
After church we took the kids to friendlys since its free for them to eat when we do..LOVE that! it cost $18 for 4 of us for lunch!! cant beat that and the kids did a great job the whole time!
After coming home and resting for a little bit we had to do a coscto always amazes me how we can never get out of that store for under $50! its like a black hole or something! LOL!! anyway, we had told the kids after we did that we would go do something fun outside, and so we went and explored the winooski falls area. it was just absoloutely gorgeous outside! the kids ran and ran, and got to see and pet lots of dogs.
Tonight was breakfast for dinner: bacon,eggs,french toast and fruit...yum! I love doing breakfast for dinner, so fun!
then we literally had to keep the kids awake until about 5 minutes ago. they got rides to their beds and are probably already sound asleep! Gotta love fresh air! ;)
tomorrow school starts back up so back to the routine...I think Athena is thrilled, she loves her teacher, Im not as thrilled, I kind of liked not having to get her dressed and out the door by 730...oh well, only a few more weeks left!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
sunny day ....hooray!
Another sunny day! Its amazing how something as "small" as the sun can make a difference in my mood. I even notice a difference in the kids when its nice out....of course part of that is probably becuase I am more pleasant, but still...
Today I had a silpada party at my moms house, and it was fun. Only a few people can still order online if you missed the party!...but we had fun, and I am actually thinking about being a rep...I mean, grown up time, extra money, more jewelry and getting paid to do it...we will see. If I do I will be hitting lots of you up to have parties though...just a warning :)
The kids had a picnic lunch outside on my moms driveway, played outside a bit then we headed home where they played out on the deck while I caught up on a few things until Josh got home. I got groceries (exciting I know!!) then an easy dinner of grilled cheese with ice cream for dessert! Baths for super dirty monkeys, and now both are sound asleep upstiars, and Im hoping Josh finds something good on tv , but if not Im sure I can find something to read :)
My parents head out to St Martin tomorrow morning....its hard to feel bad for them since they will come back darker than I am...definitely jealous, but they deserve it too...maybe someday I can go with them :)
Hope you all have a great weekend, it is supposed to be awesome out tomorrow and maybe thunderstorms :)
Today I had a silpada party at my moms house, and it was fun. Only a few people can still order online if you missed the party!...but we had fun, and I am actually thinking about being a rep...I mean, grown up time, extra money, more jewelry and getting paid to do it...we will see. If I do I will be hitting lots of you up to have parties though...just a warning :)
The kids had a picnic lunch outside on my moms driveway, played outside a bit then we headed home where they played out on the deck while I caught up on a few things until Josh got home. I got groceries (exciting I know!!) then an easy dinner of grilled cheese with ice cream for dessert! Baths for super dirty monkeys, and now both are sound asleep upstiars, and Im hoping Josh finds something good on tv , but if not Im sure I can find something to read :)
My parents head out to St Martin tomorrow morning....its hard to feel bad for them since they will come back darker than I am...definitely jealous, but they deserve it too...maybe someday I can go with them :)
Hope you all have a great weekend, it is supposed to be awesome out tomorrow and maybe thunderstorms :)
Friday, April 13, 2012
So happy that it was nice and sunny outside today! Had all the windows open while I got the entire downstairs cleaned this morning, and loaded up a ton of stuff in the van to go to goodwill, ran a few errands, and then the kids got to play outside at my moms. They LOVE their new swings and had a great time. then we came home and they wanted to make pizza and breadsticks for dinner...yummy!!
and of course caleb doesnt stay in one place for very long
and of course caleb doesnt stay in one place for very long
yes he is kids dont really like shoes :)
and no, I dont know why he stopped at the bottom of the slide and just sat there..........
but he is pretty darn cute.
Have a great weekend!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
So I still have to go to PT (only 2 times a week for 4 more weeks) from the MVA I had back in February, and while I know that this is helping me get stronger and will benefit me in the long run, lately I have been resenting having to go...and today I had made up my mind, just go, do it and get on with your day....and of course tonight I am so sore its ridiculous, and it is making it hard for me to have any desire whatsoever to go tomorrow afternoon ....
Not to neck is so sore, my shoulders are sore, and even my back is a little sore tonight....I am trying not to complain, but my body hurts, and I still worked on laundry, made dinner, tidy up and of course blog....when I would much rather sit on the couch with a heating pad reading, or watching tv.....oh well :)
Ok, so I am done whining tonight...tomorrow is another day, and we have a play date that I cant wait to go to, I think its more fun for me to have grown up mommy time than it is for the kids to have play time (shhhh that will be our secret) ;)
Off to fight my hubby for the heating pad and relax....the laundry will be there tomorrow
Not to neck is so sore, my shoulders are sore, and even my back is a little sore tonight....I am trying not to complain, but my body hurts, and I still worked on laundry, made dinner, tidy up and of course blog....when I would much rather sit on the couch with a heating pad reading, or watching tv.....oh well :)
Ok, so I am done whining tonight...tomorrow is another day, and we have a play date that I cant wait to go to, I think its more fun for me to have grown up mommy time than it is for the kids to have play time (shhhh that will be our secret) ;)
Off to fight my hubby for the heating pad and relax....the laundry will be there tomorrow
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
he caught up to me again
So today is my hubbys we are the same age again :)
we got to go out to lunch on saturday and have grown up conversations :) today the kids had fun doing things for him...Athena planned out a fashion show for him, while caleb danced around and was silly. My parents grilled London Broil for dinner and then we had (by his request) angel food cake for dessert...not a bad the kids are snoozing and we are gonna go watch silly sitcoms :)
By the way, why is it so cold tonight??? BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.........
we got to go out to lunch on saturday and have grown up conversations :) today the kids had fun doing things for him...Athena planned out a fashion show for him, while caleb danced around and was silly. My parents grilled London Broil for dinner and then we had (by his request) angel food cake for dessert...not a bad the kids are snoozing and we are gonna go watch silly sitcoms :)
By the way, why is it so cold tonight??? BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.........
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Easter pics
We had a great day today!
Started off with Donuts and Easter baskets
What an incredible service today at church. It was so uplifting and just enjoyable...much needed! Thank you for all you have done to date Pastor Forehand!!
Athena was in one of the childrens choirs
We spent the afternoon at my parents where we had an awesome dinner!
the kids got to do two egg hunts!!
we played outside
had cake---it was sooo good!! gluten free for my mom and yet still yummy! :)
then came home, relaxed , did family devos, and bedtime for monkeys :)
Hope you all had a wonderful time with family and friends
Started off with Donuts and Easter baskets
What an incredible service today at church. It was so uplifting and just enjoyable...much needed! Thank you for all you have done to date Pastor Forehand!!
Athena was in one of the childrens choirs
We spent the afternoon at my parents where we had an awesome dinner!
the kids got to do two egg hunts!!
we played outside
had cake---it was sooo good!! gluten free for my mom and yet still yummy! :)
then came home, relaxed , did family devos, and bedtime for monkeys :)
Hope you all had a wonderful time with family and friends
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Easter Eve
Thanks to those of you who have told me that you missed my blogs, and that you enjoy hearing about my yes yet another one about my monkeys :)
Today we did our easter stuff....we made the cake that we turned into our bunny cake- no, not religous, but kind of a family tradition and the kids had fun. This was my first time making it, and I was a little nervous, but it came out pretty good if I do say so myself ;)
Then the kids colored eggs and had fun doing that....they were low on patience as was I (little sleep the last few days hasnt helped me there) but they were happy with their beautiful eggs.
Then we had a movie dinner- we spread a blanket out in the living room and ate dinner on the blanket while watching HOP...caleb of course did a dance routine for us after dinner, but hey, it was dinner, a movie and a dance!
Baths, and jammies before devotions and stories and bed......Athena wanted pin curls done up so her hair would be super curly tomorrow....we will see how it turns out in the morning. She looked so cute with the bandana around her head to keep her "hair safe" while she slept :)
now I am popping some popcorn and getting ready to relax for a bit.....Happy Easter everyone!!
Here is the bunny cake!
Today we did our easter stuff....we made the cake that we turned into our bunny cake- no, not religous, but kind of a family tradition and the kids had fun. This was my first time making it, and I was a little nervous, but it came out pretty good if I do say so myself ;)
Then the kids colored eggs and had fun doing that....they were low on patience as was I (little sleep the last few days hasnt helped me there) but they were happy with their beautiful eggs.
Then we had a movie dinner- we spread a blanket out in the living room and ate dinner on the blanket while watching HOP...caleb of course did a dance routine for us after dinner, but hey, it was dinner, a movie and a dance!
Baths, and jammies before devotions and stories and bed......Athena wanted pin curls done up so her hair would be super curly tomorrow....we will see how it turns out in the morning. She looked so cute with the bandana around her head to keep her "hair safe" while she slept :)
now I am popping some popcorn and getting ready to relax for a bit.....Happy Easter everyone!!
Here is the bunny cake!
Hopefully we will get some cute pics of my super cute kids in their easter "gear" and will post tomorrow :)
What are some of your Easter traditions?
Thursday, April 5, 2012 a nutshell
Ok, it just seemed easier to make a seperate post for all the changes lately.......
Josh changed from one automotive shop to another back in december. This allowed him to be home by 5pm every day and off on sundays and go to church with is which was super great!
after being at this new place he started noticing things that were....lets just say, not "kosher" so he started looking at other employment opportunities....
we were praying about which direction for employment he should head when he talked to someone at our church and now he is doing landscaping etc with/for someone at church.
Now as soon as his body gets used to the physical part of this new job we can enjoy having entire evenings with him .....
THe only downside of this is that he isnt making as much money for now as he was at the auto we have decided to stay in this apartment for another year. By doing this we should be able to afford to continue sending the kids to the school and preschool that they have been at. They both are doing so great there, and I know that they are safe and taken care of, and thats more important to me than having a bigger house with a yard in a neighborhood .......well I am still working on accepting that, but it will come with time :)
so anyway, thats 2 blog posts for 1 night....we will see if I can keep up at least one post a day ;)
Josh changed from one automotive shop to another back in december. This allowed him to be home by 5pm every day and off on sundays and go to church with is which was super great!
after being at this new place he started noticing things that were....lets just say, not "kosher" so he started looking at other employment opportunities....
we were praying about which direction for employment he should head when he talked to someone at our church and now he is doing landscaping etc with/for someone at church.
Now as soon as his body gets used to the physical part of this new job we can enjoy having entire evenings with him .....
THe only downside of this is that he isnt making as much money for now as he was at the auto we have decided to stay in this apartment for another year. By doing this we should be able to afford to continue sending the kids to the school and preschool that they have been at. They both are doing so great there, and I know that they are safe and taken care of, and thats more important to me than having a bigger house with a yard in a neighborhood .......well I am still working on accepting that, but it will come with time :)
so anyway, thats 2 blog posts for 1 night....we will see if I can keep up at least one post a day ;)
who is this person and why is she blogging.....again?!?!
It feels like forever since I have blogged, and in reality...well its been awhile, but I have decided that now that my kids bedroom routine doesnt take hours (or feel like it takes hours) and my hubby is home every night that there is no reason for me not to be able to blog and share all my randomness with all of you who I know hang on my every word LOL!!!
There have been so many changes over the last few months that I think I will write a seperate blog to chronicle everything!!
I am working on accepting our current living situation. Yes I would love nothing more than to get out of this apartment and be in a house with a yard in a neighborhood that isnt in burlington, BUT by staying here for another year we will be able to afford to send our kids to private school and preschool and that is more important than having a bigger house....I have been rearranging and moving stuff and trying to make the best use of the space that we have....if only I didnt have to go to work I would have so much more time! :)
Last night we watched a new show that was on tv..betty whites off her rocker...Oh.My.Word, that is the funniest show ever! we laughed and laughed. It was about older people playing pranks on us younger was so nice to sit with Josh and just laugh and things :)
speaking of that, Big Bang is on and Im gonna go watch it with my man...
It feels like forever since I have blogged, and in reality...well its been awhile, but I have decided that now that my kids bedroom routine doesnt take hours (or feel like it takes hours) and my hubby is home every night that there is no reason for me not to be able to blog and share all my randomness with all of you who I know hang on my every word LOL!!!
There have been so many changes over the last few months that I think I will write a seperate blog to chronicle everything!!
I am working on accepting our current living situation. Yes I would love nothing more than to get out of this apartment and be in a house with a yard in a neighborhood that isnt in burlington, BUT by staying here for another year we will be able to afford to send our kids to private school and preschool and that is more important than having a bigger house....I have been rearranging and moving stuff and trying to make the best use of the space that we have....if only I didnt have to go to work I would have so much more time! :)
Last night we watched a new show that was on tv..betty whites off her rocker...Oh.My.Word, that is the funniest show ever! we laughed and laughed. It was about older people playing pranks on us younger was so nice to sit with Josh and just laugh and things :)
speaking of that, Big Bang is on and Im gonna go watch it with my man...
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