So I decided not to let my shin splints get the better of me, and went shopping today to get some new sneakers. Now, I am the worst sneaker shopper ever. Sandals- great, strappy heels,clogs,boots, anything else and I'm good to go, but sneakers, I am so lost! I wandered around trying not to get distracted by the super cute sandals that were on sale, trying to find the "perfect" sneakers that would not be too wide, would cushion, and support and help me look good while working out (because really, that is the most important part) ;)
Well after finding 2 pair that I liked that were within my budget I found out that they were out of my size "you must have a popular size ma'am"
ummm...MA'AM, come on!!(granted the kid who helped me was probably only 18!)
Anyway, moved past that and found 2 pair that I liked. and amazingly were in my size!! So I tried one on each foot to really feel and see how they looked....wanting to just buy both so I wouldn't have to make a decision, but in the end these won out:
Hot pink running shoes by asics....I know I. Bought. Pink.Sneakers. that's what happens when I'm set free to find sneakers on my own.
Oh well
Seriously though, I just got back from my mile walk and my shins.....well, they feel fine yay!! some of my other muscles are not very happy with me, but they will get over it (I hope)
I hope you all are having a great memorial day weekend, I know I have!!
About Me

- Kellie
- I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Decisions and shins
This past weekend I decided that I needed to make time for me. So after the kids are in bed I have been donning my sneakers, snagging Joshs ipod, and heading out for a walk. I WANT to run, but am not in good enough shape to do that......yet. Tonight I really didnt want to, but Josh "made" me....actually he said he would do the dishes so I could go, so I grabbed that opportunity and went for my walk....unfortunately by the time I got to the bottom of our street, my shins started bothering me. I powered through and kept going, and walked possibly a half mile (honestly, I dont know how far i walked, I have no concept of mileage, but half mile sounds decent) I wanted to go further, but decided that my legs needed to go home. Literally walked in my door, and it started torrentially tonight as much as my little shins are killing me, I am thankful that they hurt so much that I came home, otherwise I would have been soaked, and looked like a drowned anyway I am enjoying my time, just need to make my shins stop hurting...any ideas out there? I need new sneakers too, and would love any input anybody out there might have!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
my encouragement
Sunday -Mothers Day- Pastor had a mothers message which was tailor made for me, or so it seemed :) I have been having a hard time with alot of things lately ( Vague , I know...sorry) and I think between the message sunday, and the book I am reading I decided I need to make an effort to change myself before I can expect anyone else in my world to change.......
So- Monday morning after my quiet time, I decided I was not going to yell (yes, I am a yeller. Not proud of this, but working on it) Morning went great, had a hair appointment at noon-always a fun time!!- went to the park with the kids, went home....major meltdown time . Honestly- before monday I would have yelled and been a "bad" mom. Instead I remained calm, spoke softly, and didnt back down.......after.........45 minutes of this (amazingly I was still calm) the meltdown ended. We talked about it,prayed and moved on to have a nice evening.
Tuesday-great morning again. MAJOR meltdowns (yes both kids this time) starting in the car and continued for about a half an hour after we got home. Again, I remained calm (harder to do this time)spoke softly and didnt back down...she got it out of her system , we talked and prayed and moved on.
Today- decent couple of hours, and then....Meltdown time...only lasted about 20 minutes today. I was calm, and soft spoken and once it was out of her system she was fine.
Yes there is a pattern of time of day, yes she is tired, yes she has an early bedtime....but the encouragement for me is that each day it has been less time for the meltdowns....and I HAVE BEEN CALM!!!!!!!!!
So, anyway this might have seemed jumbled and odd, but it is so encouraging to me.....maybe we will survive living in this apartment for another year :)
So- Monday morning after my quiet time, I decided I was not going to yell (yes, I am a yeller. Not proud of this, but working on it) Morning went great, had a hair appointment at noon-always a fun time!!- went to the park with the kids, went home....major meltdown time . Honestly- before monday I would have yelled and been a "bad" mom. Instead I remained calm, spoke softly, and didnt back down.......after.........45 minutes of this (amazingly I was still calm) the meltdown ended. We talked about it,prayed and moved on to have a nice evening.
Tuesday-great morning again. MAJOR meltdowns (yes both kids this time) starting in the car and continued for about a half an hour after we got home. Again, I remained calm (harder to do this time)spoke softly and didnt back down...she got it out of her system , we talked and prayed and moved on.
Today- decent couple of hours, and then....Meltdown time...only lasted about 20 minutes today. I was calm, and soft spoken and once it was out of her system she was fine.
Yes there is a pattern of time of day, yes she is tired, yes she has an early bedtime....but the encouragement for me is that each day it has been less time for the meltdowns....and I HAVE BEEN CALM!!!!!!!!!
So, anyway this might have seemed jumbled and odd, but it is so encouraging to me.....maybe we will survive living in this apartment for another year :)
Thursday, May 10, 2012
So today is my (hopefully)final re eval which if its the final one means so much!! it means no more PT, less dr appt and I can sign off on the car accident!! yes I am thankful that I have had awesome care, and that I have healed quickly from this, but honestly, it has been such a pain giving up my mornings of my days off for pt and then being tired and or sore and I feel like since february my house just hasnt been clean cuz I havent had the time to just get it done. dropping off and picking up athena every day, plus appointments and trying to get errands done, and UGH!! anyway, praying so hard that today is the last appt.....I will keep you posted!!
Monday, May 7, 2012
I realized this weekend that I need to focus on the good, and be thankful for the little things. Lately I have been overwhelmed with negative feelings, and frustration with things that I have no control over.
Yesterday I got to go out for a short time with Josh....he needed new ear buds so we went to best buy-alone- we had a conversation, and were silly, and I drooled over the kindle fire :) then we went to DD and got was maybe a whole hour, but it made me feel so much better. We had fun with the kids when we got home later, and we laughed....I laughed so hard I cried "the good silly tears right mommy" and it was just nice.
Today was gorgeous!! I worked, but the kids had a blast at my parents. They played and explored and even got to drive the mower all by themselves "boppy let go for 2 seconds and I drove without help" I only wish I had pictures of that....oh well, I am sure there will be another time :)
So....I am watiing for my hubby to come home. He is still working......I know, I guess they have a huge project that they need to finish and since tomorrow is supposed to rain they wanted to get in as much work as they could.
Yesterday I got to go out for a short time with Josh....he needed new ear buds so we went to best buy-alone- we had a conversation, and were silly, and I drooled over the kindle fire :) then we went to DD and got was maybe a whole hour, but it made me feel so much better. We had fun with the kids when we got home later, and we laughed....I laughed so hard I cried "the good silly tears right mommy" and it was just nice.
Today was gorgeous!! I worked, but the kids had a blast at my parents. They played and explored and even got to drive the mower all by themselves "boppy let go for 2 seconds and I drove without help" I only wish I had pictures of that....oh well, I am sure there will be another time :)
So....I am watiing for my hubby to come home. He is still working......I know, I guess they have a huge project that they need to finish and since tomorrow is supposed to rain they wanted to get in as much work as they could.
Friday, May 4, 2012
my friday night dinner date
Tonight I took my daughter out to dinner, and we had a great time! We were silly, and just had a great time together, me and my girl :)
She was so excited to try a new ice cream for her dessert.....tonight she had chocolate chip cookie dough ("like daddy") and loved it!!!
I think both thena and I needed this time together to just have fun together. Hoping tomorrow will be a fun family day....gotta go now, GRIMM is coming on soon! ;)
She was so excited to try a new ice cream for her dessert.....tonight she had chocolate chip cookie dough ("like daddy") and loved it!!!
I think both thena and I needed this time together to just have fun together. Hoping tomorrow will be a fun family day....gotta go now, GRIMM is coming on soon! ;)
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
So this has not been one of the better weeks for us....Sick kiddos over the weekend = super tired mommy. We were still able to have a fun weekend as a family.
Monday, well Sunday night I was up alot with caleb for some reason, and then the day just wasn't a good one. There's just no other way to describe it, just not good.....
well, apparently sometime between Monday night and Tuesday afternoon someone decided to break into our car and take our GPS, Josh's sunglasses, numerous little things, and my phone charger.....I am thankful yes that 1)no one was hurt 2) they didn't damage the vehicle....but come on!! I am trying so hard to be content and live here, and then this happens....GRRRRR.......
Today I decided I would have a good day if it killed me! I had PT this morning, but thankfully Josh took Athena to school today so I didn't have to do the back and forth to williston more than once. I was able to get some cleaning done before so that was a bonus. I dropped stuff off at Plato's closet, and got money for it! The kids actually laid down and had a decent rest time this afternoon. We went to the park with friends, and it was so what I needed. I needed to hear that there is another mommy out there who is struggling, and understands the frustrations....I could cry but with happiness.
I know that sounds super sappy, but that play date was like a ray of sunshine in my very dark if you are reading this. Thank you ;)
I am still struggling with being content, but I know that will come.
Happy Wednesday to you all.....I hope your week is going well :)
Monday, well Sunday night I was up alot with caleb for some reason, and then the day just wasn't a good one. There's just no other way to describe it, just not good.....
well, apparently sometime between Monday night and Tuesday afternoon someone decided to break into our car and take our GPS, Josh's sunglasses, numerous little things, and my phone charger.....I am thankful yes that 1)no one was hurt 2) they didn't damage the vehicle....but come on!! I am trying so hard to be content and live here, and then this happens....GRRRRR.......
Today I decided I would have a good day if it killed me! I had PT this morning, but thankfully Josh took Athena to school today so I didn't have to do the back and forth to williston more than once. I was able to get some cleaning done before so that was a bonus. I dropped stuff off at Plato's closet, and got money for it! The kids actually laid down and had a decent rest time this afternoon. We went to the park with friends, and it was so what I needed. I needed to hear that there is another mommy out there who is struggling, and understands the frustrations....I could cry but with happiness.
I know that sounds super sappy, but that play date was like a ray of sunshine in my very dark if you are reading this. Thank you ;)
I am still struggling with being content, but I know that will come.
Happy Wednesday to you all.....I hope your week is going well :)
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