About Me

- Kellie
- I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !
Monday, June 25, 2012
June 26 2006
6 years ago I was working very hard to bring my princess into this world. After 30 hours of labor, and 3 hours of pushing, we finally met Athena, and our lives would never be the same.
I love the above picture that Josh took one day at my parents house...athena fell asleep on me and I fell asleep holding her....
This one we are both awake....she loved her picture taken from a very early age, and would pose.....she still poses when someone gets out a camera!
She is also our little fashionista
she was almost 2 in this one!
This past year Athena has had lots of firsts: first time washing the dishes by herself, first day of school, first loose tooth, first visit from the tooth fairy, first brand new car, first car accident, first graduation....first surgery coming up in July...she has been a very busy little girl!
Happy Birthday my princess, I love you so much and am so proud of all you have learned!!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
another random post
Since it seems that lately my thoughts are random and not really organized I thought I would share some more of my random thoughts:
- I apparently caught some kind of virus over the weekend, and have felt pretty crappy, it was all i could do to stay up til 8:30 last night....crazy
- my brother is sending me a book to read that he highly recommends, and I can NOT wait to get it!! I might even do a book review on here....we will see
- I have given up on being able to move out of burlington. At least for now...we cant afford to pay more, so I wil just have to spend more time on pinterest finding ways to make where we live work....
- I just signed up to participate in an asthma research study. I am kind of excited, Ive never done something like this, and the best part is, well the best part is that they will pay me to do it, the other best part is that I wont have to change my medications, everything will stay the same!
- I want more prednizone. sorry, I know that sounds weird, but last week when I was on it, I felt great! I had energy, I was happy becuase I could breathe...this week, total opposite....yuck
- I walked over 3 miles on saturday...it was great! I just kept walking and walking...hopefully by thursday I will be able to walk again- the humidity makes it really hard to breathe.
- I am trying to be excited for my jewelry party on saturday, but it doesnt look like many people will be coming....hopefully I can still get some parties booked from it though...I need to start making money with it, I have to pay tuition!! :)
well, I am sure that I could keep going with my randomness, but I will stop here...hope you are all having a great week, and if you live in the area....stop by my launch party saturday at 11....its at mom and dads house!!
- I apparently caught some kind of virus over the weekend, and have felt pretty crappy, it was all i could do to stay up til 8:30 last night....crazy
- my brother is sending me a book to read that he highly recommends, and I can NOT wait to get it!! I might even do a book review on here....we will see
- I have given up on being able to move out of burlington. At least for now...we cant afford to pay more, so I wil just have to spend more time on pinterest finding ways to make where we live work....
- I just signed up to participate in an asthma research study. I am kind of excited, Ive never done something like this, and the best part is, well the best part is that they will pay me to do it, the other best part is that I wont have to change my medications, everything will stay the same!
- I want more prednizone. sorry, I know that sounds weird, but last week when I was on it, I felt great! I had energy, I was happy becuase I could breathe...this week, total opposite....yuck
- I walked over 3 miles on saturday...it was great! I just kept walking and walking...hopefully by thursday I will be able to walk again- the humidity makes it really hard to breathe.
- I am trying to be excited for my jewelry party on saturday, but it doesnt look like many people will be coming....hopefully I can still get some parties booked from it though...I need to start making money with it, I have to pay tuition!! :)
well, I am sure that I could keep going with my randomness, but I will stop here...hope you are all having a great week, and if you live in the area....stop by my launch party saturday at 11....its at mom and dads house!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Like my word? :) I am just feeling so much better and getting things done, and going out and doing things this week, its like I am almost me again!! I hate taking medication, but sometimes you have to, and I am thankful that I did...I have used my albuterol once today, but I was at a house where they smoke (outside) and have a cat, and then somewhere else where they have a bunch of pets, so I took a precautionary puff :)
Anyway, I mostly wanted to write about my new venture....I just signed up to be a rep for Touchstone Jewelry. I am really excited about it! Its similar to the other jewelry companies out there, but like each of them they are different as well....Touchstone is not new agey (in case you wondered) and their prices are better than some of the other companies, just a little more affordable...
If any of my few blog readers out there would like to host a party, or learn more about being a consultant please don't hesitate to check out my website and/or email me...I would love to show you the jewelry and its a great way to make a little .....or alot of extra money...great for SAHM who want to get out once in awhile, or even if you are a workaholic and just cant sit still....either way I would love for you to check it out and possibly even join my team!
Thanks for reading about it! I will probably be inviting some of you to my launch party in the next couple of weeks!
Here is the link:
Anyway, I mostly wanted to write about my new venture....I just signed up to be a rep for Touchstone Jewelry. I am really excited about it! Its similar to the other jewelry companies out there, but like each of them they are different as well....Touchstone is not new agey (in case you wondered) and their prices are better than some of the other companies, just a little more affordable...
If any of my few blog readers out there would like to host a party, or learn more about being a consultant please don't hesitate to check out my website and/or email me...I would love to show you the jewelry and its a great way to make a little .....or alot of extra money...great for SAHM who want to get out once in awhile, or even if you are a workaholic and just cant sit still....either way I would love for you to check it out and possibly even join my team!
Thanks for reading about it! I will probably be inviting some of you to my launch party in the next couple of weeks!
Here is the link:
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Random thoughts
I have a friend who does Miscellany Mondays, but since today is Tuesday, I'm just going to post some random thoughts for you...
- I saw the allergy Dr yesterday, which gave me hope, but discouraged me as well. The hope came in the form of prednisone, and a new inhalor...I have got to get my breathing under control. Lack of oxygen is not fun, and super scary! The discouragement came when we were talking about living situation (smokers next door and downstairs) and she asked if we were able to move....well yes we CAN move, but we can't afford anything out there that would be a better situation than where we are now. :( Still praying about that situation.
- I just started a new job, and I am SUPER excited!! I am still working for FAHC, but I am now a rep for touchstone jewelry. A new more affordable jewelry line out there! I will do a separate post later to fill you in on all this. :)
- My foot seems to have healed....last Wednesday or Thursday my left foot started hurting...alot. I tried ice, I tried rest, I tried an ace wrap thinking maybe I pulled something, but the ace wrap hurt more than the injury. I was told maybe it was plantar fascitis (sp?) or a stress fracture (I do trip alot) of course I didnt see a dr cuz I didn't feel I was ready yet.....well this morning I woke up and realized I was walking totally fine...weird. But I am thrilled because now I can start walking again!! :)
- I have lost 4 pounds. I know, truly nothing to be ecstatic about, but Im just happy Im losing....ugh!!
- I am still stressing about school for the kids. We know where we want them to go, but right now there is no way on earth we can afford to send them :( and I am freaking out because I will NOT send them to burlington schools.....please pray for us on this one.
-I can't remember if I posted about it, but I FINALLY am healed from my car accident. Ha Ha...I like writing it that way....I am healed lol!!! anyway, its been nice, I feel like I am getting my life back now that I don't have to go to PT 2 or more times a week! :)
Well, I think that's all my random thought for the day...sorry I have been kind of silent...I will try to do better!
- I saw the allergy Dr yesterday, which gave me hope, but discouraged me as well. The hope came in the form of prednisone, and a new inhalor...I have got to get my breathing under control. Lack of oxygen is not fun, and super scary! The discouragement came when we were talking about living situation (smokers next door and downstairs) and she asked if we were able to move....well yes we CAN move, but we can't afford anything out there that would be a better situation than where we are now. :( Still praying about that situation.
- I just started a new job, and I am SUPER excited!! I am still working for FAHC, but I am now a rep for touchstone jewelry. A new more affordable jewelry line out there! I will do a separate post later to fill you in on all this. :)
- My foot seems to have healed....last Wednesday or Thursday my left foot started hurting...alot. I tried ice, I tried rest, I tried an ace wrap thinking maybe I pulled something, but the ace wrap hurt more than the injury. I was told maybe it was plantar fascitis (sp?) or a stress fracture (I do trip alot) of course I didnt see a dr cuz I didn't feel I was ready yet.....well this morning I woke up and realized I was walking totally fine...weird. But I am thrilled because now I can start walking again!! :)
- I have lost 4 pounds. I know, truly nothing to be ecstatic about, but Im just happy Im losing....ugh!!
- I am still stressing about school for the kids. We know where we want them to go, but right now there is no way on earth we can afford to send them :( and I am freaking out because I will NOT send them to burlington schools.....please pray for us on this one.
-I can't remember if I posted about it, but I FINALLY am healed from my car accident. Ha Ha...I like writing it that way....I am healed lol!!! anyway, its been nice, I feel like I am getting my life back now that I don't have to go to PT 2 or more times a week! :)
Well, I think that's all my random thought for the day...sorry I have been kind of silent...I will try to do better!
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