I'm not sure what to write this morning....do I want to write out the highs and lows of 2012? Should I write out my list of goals (which will more than likely not get met) for 2013? Maybe I should write about how messed up our world is.....no, definitely not that. There has already been too much focus on our "fiscal crisis", gun control, tragedies etc...
I do want to say that I am so thankful we were able to move in 2012.....mentally,and physically its been so much better!!
I know, I will write about our new years eve:
Josh was off yesterday so we had planned to play in the snow, and were secretly hoping it would warm up enough for the snow to be sticky....it wasnt, but thats ok we still had fun!
We started our day with lots of snuggles...the kids decided to bury Josh on the couch and they found pillows and blankets, buried him, and then ran away...it was funny. :)
After breakfast Athena and I spent some time coloring while the boys played with legos.....then everyone got dressed and had lunch.
After lunch we got ready to go outside and play. we went for a long walk with Josh pulling one or both kids on the sled...the way back home is downhill so the kids had a blast when josh would pull them and let go and they would slide down a few feet. Caleb and I got a ride for a few minutes, and then Josh got in the sled and we all pulled him :) played outside in the deep snow for a little longer before mommy and daddy had to go inside becuase we were cold (no snowpants=cold, wet legs) the kids stayed out long enough for me to make hot chocolate and popcorn which we all snacked on while we watched a movie. then there was some more coloring and lego building,
Here are some pictures from our outside time:
Caleb got thrown in the snow |
So did Athena |
tried to take a pic of me and my hubby..... |
giving josh a ride |
just chillin'....my little snow eater |
pulling Daddy....caleb pulled so hard he fell over lol! |
love this pic! Athena pulled him all by herself! |
Mommy and thenas snow angels |
Josh made one too! |
"Daddys snow angel is the biggest one!" |
Then the boys left to pick up our free pizza and the girls got the picnic blanket out on the living room floor, and then we went in the playroom and played barbies for a bit.
PIZZA!!! well, I had a salad and a few bites of pizza, and ice cream for dessert...and then instead of cleaning up Athena and I played barbies and the boys did a puzzle until it was time to start getting kiddos ready for bed.
After they went to bed, Josh and I had an exciting evening of watching dick clarks rockin NYE and I didnt even stay up to watch the ball drop....
But it was a really nice day. everyone was happy, no one fought, or had unkind words to each other, and before bed Athena told me that "today was one of the best days ever" and thats how I want to remember 2012. the memories we made on the last day of the year.
Today I have to do a few chores, but I am going to try to get in lots of play and memory making with my kiddos.
Happy New Year to all my friends and family.