About Me

- Kellie
- I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
July 31st? how did this happen?
I feel like every time I plan to keep up with blogging and sharing all the craziness that is my life, something comes up and blogging takes the back seat again...
Athena was really sick the week of her birthday, thankfully the blockage made its way out on its own and shes been fine since. About a week after that josh had what we thought was a stomach bug (a nasty one too) but after 4 days he started having pain which became localized sending him to the dr, and then the ED with suspected appendicitis. The CT scans came back surprising everyone showing his appendix was fine, he had some puzzling inflammation in his intestine as well as stones in his gallbladder. ...interesting......That was on a monday. That friday he saw GI who scheduled a colonoscopy (Josh was not thrilled about that) for the following wednesday. Josh did amazingly, but through all this his pain has been constant. Prasie the Lord he has not had to miss work though all this, but by the time he gets home he is in so much pain he cant do anything which of course frustrates him. We are going on the third week of this saga. next week he is scheduled to see a surgeon to consult about the gallbladder. His PCP called him today telling him that it looks like he has either crohns or IBD and he will start prednizone to see if that takes care of the inflammation. (I know, why did they not start him on it 3 weeks ago?--your guess is as good as mine, especially since I asked about it with GI) So, right now thats where everything stands as far as a DX and all the "fun" we have been having....
Next weekend my SIL,her kiddos, her mom and sister will be here for a visit, and I cant wait! Im looking forward to our semi-annual shopping trip to OUAC and Goodwill, and I cant wait to see my (not so) little niece! :)
Im sitting here at work, looking out the windows at the GORGEOUS sunny weather and feeling a little bummed that Im in here. The worst part is that I have all my billing completely done for the day and other than the few patients that are scheduled to come in, I dont really have anything to keep me busy for the next 5 hours :( Seriously thinking about taking a longish lunch today....
Tomorrow and Friday my kids have VBS which mean I have 3 hours to myself both mornings!!!! Ill spend tomorrow cleaning but friday I dont know, maybe I will go back to bed, maybe I will go shopping....the possibilities are endless...this never happens!! Im looking forward to playing and having fun in the afternoons though :)
Well, its almost time for my lunch break so I will end this post for now...I will continue to keep you posted on Joshs situation, but if you think of us, send up a prayer. His pain is constant, and honestly, I am just tired and worn out....physically,emotionally I feel really spent.
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