Tonight as I sat down to write my birthday post for Caleb, I feel extra emotional....A friend of mine just found out yesterday that her twins did not have a heartbeat, and tomorrow she will "deliver" them. she was 9ish weeks along, and my heart just breaks for her. So that is what I am thinking about right now...
I really cannot believe that my baby boy is going to 5 tomorrow! It seems like just yesterday we were getting ready to celebrate his 2nd birthday....This last year Caleb has grown and learned lots of new things!
He has learned how to write his name, and recognize some words. He has learned how to ride a 2 wheeler. He has lost his fear of (most)loud noises, but is still bothered by some. He wants to learn to play the guitar, and the drums....He loves to perform and does a great job. He is our silly, sensitive, loving, happy, handsome little man, and I really can not picture our life without him!

5 years ago I didn't feel like I was in labor, I felt tired, but seriously if you saw me you would not have faulted me (I was HUGE!!) We got up that Saturday morning like any other, and decided to go shopping. I was obsessed with getting a specific double stroller and figured that morning (my due date) was as good as any, plus I would have it whenever the boy decided to be born.
After our purchase we decided to stop at my parents house to show them my awesome stroller! My mom asked if I felt OK, I was like sure, just tired...she made me call my midwife, who said come on up we can check you out since its your due date, but I'm sure we will send you home. so we left Athena with my parents and went back home. we took a nap, then I took a shower and did my hair (just in case) packed my bag and left it in the car (just in case) but figured we would be heading home in an hour or so. Got all checked in and hiked all the way over to labor and all changed (which cracks me up because then you have to unchange if you get sent back home) my midwife came in and checked me, and checked me again and told me we were not going anywhere I was 6-8cm! What?!? I thought she was messing with me!! anyway, I had to have antibiotics so they managed to get 1 bag in before my water broke....after that its all kind of a blur, but the short and sweet version (that does not include me punching a nurse) (actually I did punch her, but I don't remember it at all....and she told me after I apologized that they let alot go for moms who don't have pain meds)
is that I was too far along to bother with an epidural, so.....after 3 pushes Caleb Steven Ralph was born. I had some minor complications that scared Josh, but all was well, and once the boy was all cleaned up I saw that I had a BLOND, BLUE eyed, baby boy! 9pounds 1 ounce 21 inches long....without any drugs (yay me!)
I remember my parents bringing Athena up and how big she looked next to him, and I remember realizing that my heart must have grown during those 9 months because I had so much love for BOTH of my babies.
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Happy Birthday Caleb, you make us laugh with your silly faces, and I hope that this next year brings all sorts of amazing new things for you. I love you so much little man!!