About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Rediscovering my joy...

Ok, so todays title might sound alot deeper than necessary, but lately I have felt that I am just trudging along trying to survive, and somewhere in survival mode I seemed to lose my joy....my ability to enjoy things: my kids, every day outings, my family...pretty much everything.... I don't know why or when exactly I "lost" my joy, but I am trying (and thankful for my hubby who is helping me ) to not only FIND my joy again, but ENJOY my daily activities.....
Today started rough, I was woken up earlier than I wanted, and for a stupid/silly reason....so I started my day tired....BUT we had lots to do!! this afternoon I debated whether to take the kids downtown for mardi gras parade...I hate doing stuff like that without Josh, but he had to work.  So the kids and I chatted about safety, obedience etc...and I told them if I could find somewhere to park we could go...of course, there were a bunch of spots ("it must be meant to be mommy"-Athena)  parked and walked down for the parade...it was cold, and loud, but the kids had a blast and got tons of beads!!

just sitting around waiting....

getting into the music

exploring a little bit....

more exploring

"is it time yet??"

the only picture of the parade....they had a lorax float, and the kids were thrilled!

We hiked back to the car, and came home to warm up with hot chocolate and baths before dinner....after dinner they were being silly and wanted to dance...so we found some "dance music" and let them loose...I know some of this will be long, and probably boring, but I laughed, and enjoyed my kids during this, and wanted to share my silly little monkeys with you!  So....enjoy!  :)