About Me

My photo
I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fun in the sun on Sunday....

Some pictures of the kids "new" toy....It was so incredibly beautiful outside on Sunday, we spent most of the afternoon outside playing......so nice! 

We got a new (to us) power wheels for the kids (thank you facebook kidswap!)....amazing how easily they can change their "bad" behavior when the threat of losing the car for a day is used as an incentive. :)

its scary how well they both drive!!

scary glimpse into the future....

even bella had fun outside!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Did you think I forgot about you??

I promise, I didnt forget about all you out there who read my blog....I just havent had a whole lot of "free" time to sit and type.
Life has been so busy that at times I have felt like a hamster running on my wheel...going, going going, and then when I think I might get a break turning around and running the other direction!!
So many things have happened over the last month or so...let me see if I can remember and list some of them for you all:
-I "retired" from being a jewelry rep for touchstone...wasnt worth the time or energy.
- I started selling AVON. not half as many time/energy/financial requirements as jewelry, and its fun, I love meeting new people and Im actually making a little money too! :)  my website is www.youravon.com/kralph
or let me know you want a book and I will totally get one (or more) to you!
-my grandparents moved back to VT  :)
- Easter....
- for a week or two apparently sleep was an option, so that was fun (dripping sarcasm in case you couldnt tell)
- Completely unexpected email resulted in Bella coming back to us...I will explain later...
- Joshs birthday
-spring vacation--I worked 3 out of the 5 days, but the kids still had a good time!
- Possibility of some positive changes regarding work etc...

Phew! Im tired just reading the list...we are also planning a family vacation to Michigan to see family at the end of May, so that will be fun. its always nice to see the "michigan cousins" and just spend time out there.
-----May 8------> I thought that I had posted this, but it just went to drafts instead....
Today is my friday at work, so maybe  before the end of the week I can get another more updated post with pictures for all of you....no promises, life is busy, but I will do my best :)