About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Friday, January 21, 2011

another week down...

So this week was a week of pouting, self loathing, and just pain being ....well a pain.  Things that were out of my control changed from what they were supposed to be and altered a few things, and to be honest, I was very annoyed at alot of people......
So anyway, yesterday afternoon things kind of started to change for me. No, nothing changed in what had been going on, but my attitude changed and I decided to make the most of what was happening.
That being said.  I miss Josh.  I am so happy that I miss him so much...some of you understand that statement......So depending on the weather me and the monkeys are planning a weekend trip to Delaware....I know I am nuts, but well, I figure if we go there, then he will have to come here next  :)  heeheehee
Now, I am gonna go play Wii with my kids...I need to make a video and post it, they are HILARIOUS to watch when they play!!
Happy friday!  stay warm!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

So it has been waaaaaaay too long, and there are a few reasons as to why I have been kind of lax with blogging lately.....1) I'm at the mercy of my mommy and daddy since I am at their house and cant really hog their computer toooooo much. 2) my parents have tenants that are staying in their downstairs which is where the computer is and this has hindered my computer time a little bit as well   3) I am rather lazy and tend to slack off.....3) I started a new job so havent been "home" as much as before....
ok, so those were some reasons whether true or not....
So, today I am at work and really tired and oddly enough the phones are very quiet so I thought to myself "self, you should do a blog post" and since I agreed with myself here I am writing away.....
Ok, now I am incredibly thankful for my job that I now have, but I must say that I really truly miss upeds......I feel a little like I have just kind of been thrown to the phones with 2 and a half days of training.....I am sure I will be making mistakes if I havent already, but they really seem to like me, and are wonderful about answerng questions, I just feel like I am kind of winging it every day....plus my kiddos have decided that they want to be awake by 5am daily which is just plain exhausting!!
I have been trying to be positive and upbeat about all these changes that have been going on, but today I really feel down.  I miss my husband, I miss our little family being together, I miss my bed, I miss not worrying that my kids are being too crazy as they chase each other around the room in a circle, I miss my seeing my husband get beat up by the kids and the dog....I just want to go back to whatever form of narmalcy it is that our family has.....
So now that I have a job I am working on finding somewhere "cheap" to live as well as looking for a job for my hubby so he can be here with us  :)
So lets see......my wish list:
1) an awesome tax return so we can have moving expenses pd as well as get caught up with a few things
2) an affordable (and decent) place to live in williston/essex/s.burlington
3) a job for Josh that he will like that will pay well
4) SLEEP!!!  :)
I couldnt resist the last one.....drive safe its slick out there!!

Friday, January 14, 2011


so it has been a tiring week...I started my new job on monday which I like...I'm used to a little more organization than they have, but thats ok.  I also had a lovely all nighter with caleb on tuesday when he decided to no sleep from 10pm on.....not a happy night for me....Thankfully I was able to take a 2 hour nap when I got home from work ---I love my mom!-
Nothing too exciting going on, just kind of hanging out with my little girl and planning to head out into the snow as soon as caleb wakes up.  I am not able to get to a computer as often as I used to and it is kind of bumming me out so that is why I have been absent from  the blogger world.
happy friday everyone...THANK GOD IT IS THE WEEKEND!!!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

update on life in the ralph family....

Ok, so it has been quite awhile since I last posted, and there are many reasons that I just wont bore you with.....
So, Christmas was fun, my parents came to delaware and we all went to my brothers house to celebrate, and it was nice. My husband spoiled me way more than he should have but I must say I have been enjoying my kindle!  I would be enjoying my footie jammies as well but I left those in the dryer :(
There have been a few changes since thanksgiving. As I posted before My job that I had ended the monday after thanksgiving and after applying to jobs both in delaware and in vt I got a call for a phone interview for a job in vt....they liked me and wanted to do a second interview jan 3.  so the kids and I made plans to stay at moms and go to the interview.......after much discussion and planning Josh and I decided that rather than drive to vt for the interview and drive back to delaware and then back to vt if I got the job, that I would just stay here with the kids and work, and we would figure out visiting each other and stuff as we go....well, I was offered the full time job at goodwill but was hesitant to take it since I was applying for a pt job right here in williston.  I was offered the job at evergreen family health and it was so ordered by God-- the girl who was working before me left after a couple of days because she was too overwhelmed (had never worked in a medical office before) and the timing was perfect, I got here interviewed and am excited about this job that I will be starting monday!  Needless to say I turned down the full time job.
I miss Josh.   It's funny, last summer when he went to delaware to start his job and get settled there, I missed him, but in a way was kind of glad for the space.....we had gone through so much and it had been affecting our relationship, and well, the space was a good thing.  After me and the kids got to delaware, Josh and I grew so much closer. we only had each other, and we started over again so to speak and it was so good......but it makes me miss him so much more. I am lonely at night and miss talking and snuggling with him....I think he would say he misses me too  :)
It is weird, when we moved to delaware I never thought I would be xcited to come back, especially for a job! but back in November we prayed and asked the Lord to be very very clear, and show us specifically what we were to do, so now we are waiting again for his direction.
so thats whats been going on for us. I am back at my parents, and missing my hubby TONS!!!
Please pray that these next transitions will go smoothly.  I am sure my kids will be ok when I go to work, but they have had me 24/7 since august, and it will be a bit of an adjustment.  also, I am going to need someone to watch them on Wednesdays asap since my mom works and I cant afford to really pay someone....so pray that I will find the right person to watch them, or two people half days I dont know that is what I am working on right now.......