About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

So it has been waaaaaaay too long, and there are a few reasons as to why I have been kind of lax with blogging lately.....1) I'm at the mercy of my mommy and daddy since I am at their house and cant really hog their computer toooooo much. 2) my parents have tenants that are staying in their downstairs which is where the computer is and this has hindered my computer time a little bit as well   3) I am rather lazy and tend to slack off.....3) I started a new job so havent been "home" as much as before....
ok, so those were some reasons whether true or not....
So, today I am at work and really tired and oddly enough the phones are very quiet so I thought to myself "self, you should do a blog post" and since I agreed with myself here I am writing away.....
Ok, now I am incredibly thankful for my job that I now have, but I must say that I really truly miss upeds......I feel a little like I have just kind of been thrown to the phones with 2 and a half days of training.....I am sure I will be making mistakes if I havent already, but they really seem to like me, and are wonderful about answerng questions, I just feel like I am kind of winging it every day....plus my kiddos have decided that they want to be awake by 5am daily which is just plain exhausting!!
I have been trying to be positive and upbeat about all these changes that have been going on, but today I really feel down.  I miss my husband, I miss our little family being together, I miss my bed, I miss not worrying that my kids are being too crazy as they chase each other around the room in a circle, I miss my seeing my husband get beat up by the kids and the dog....I just want to go back to whatever form of narmalcy it is that our family has.....
So now that I have a job I am working on finding somewhere "cheap" to live as well as looking for a job for my hubby so he can be here with us  :)
So lets see......my wish list:
1) an awesome tax return so we can have moving expenses pd as well as get caught up with a few things
2) an affordable (and decent) place to live in williston/essex/s.burlington
3) a job for Josh that he will like that will pay well
4) SLEEP!!!  :)
I couldnt resist the last one.....drive safe its slick out there!!

1 comment:

  1. I'll pray with you about those!
    Thanks for coming today. It meant a lot to have you guys there!
