About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Thursday, October 17, 2013


I had all these great things I planned on writing about last weekend as Josh and I celebrated our 11th year of eing married, but I was sick, and tired, and honestly, I never got a chance to sit down and blog....

Last Saturday was beautiful, almost as beautiful as it was 11 years ago.  The eweather was perfect, I was surrounded by family and friends, and I was marrying Josh....my knight in shining arrmor, the man brave enough to marry me, who loved my family, and wanted to be with me!!

Over the years we have had alot of bumps in the road....Sometimes I think we have had more than most people our age, but somehow we managed to stay together, still love each other,and survive.
We have 1 angel baby, and two beautiful kiddos here with us....sometimes I look at them and think we must have done something right to get not one, but two kids with amazing personalities, beautiful kiddos who love us, love God, and are insanely smart!

We have lived in two states, 6 houses, had numerous gerbils, 3 dogs, survived job losses, and other losses, but still manage to stick together.  :)

Joshua Steven Ralph, Thank you for putting up with me every day, thank you for loving me, thank you for loving my family....I cant believe we just celebrated our 11th anniversary, and I can't wait to see what the next 11 years will bring...just think athena will be almost done highschool in 11 years.....hopefully we all will survive!  LOL!!

5 years old

Tonight as I sat down to write my birthday post for Caleb, I feel extra emotional....A friend of mine just found out yesterday that her twins did not have a heartbeat, and tomorrow she will "deliver" them. she was 9ish weeks along, and my heart just breaks for her.  So that is what I am thinking about right now...

I really cannot believe that my baby boy is going to 5 tomorrow!  It seems like just yesterday we were getting ready to celebrate his 2nd birthday....This last year Caleb has grown and learned lots of new things!
He has learned how to write his name, and recognize some words. He has learned how to ride a 2 wheeler.  He has lost his fear of (most)loud noises, but is still bothered by some.  He wants to learn to play the guitar, and the drums....He loves to perform and does a great job. He is our silly, sensitive, loving, happy, handsome little man, and I really can not picture our life without him!

5 years ago I didn't feel like I was in labor, I felt tired, but seriously if you saw me you would not have faulted me (I was HUGE!!) We got up that Saturday morning like any other, and decided to go shopping. I was obsessed with getting a specific double stroller and figured that morning (my due date) was as good as any, plus I would have it whenever the boy decided to be born.
After our purchase we decided to stop at my parents house to show them my awesome stroller! My mom asked if I felt OK, I was like sure, just tired...she made me call my midwife, who said come on up we can check you out since its your due date, but I'm sure we will send you home.  so we left Athena with my parents and went back home. we took a nap, then I took a shower and did my hair (just in case)  packed my bag and left it in the car (just in case) but figured we would be heading home in an hour or so.  Got all checked in and hiked all the way over to labor and delivery....got all changed (which cracks me up because then you have to unchange if you get sent back home)  my midwife came in and checked me, and checked me again and told me we were not going anywhere I was 6-8cm!  What?!?  I thought she was messing with me!! anyway, I had to have antibiotics so they managed to get 1 bag in before my water broke....after that its all kind of a blur, but the short and sweet version (that does not include me punching a nurse) (actually I did punch her, but I don't remember it at all....and she told me after I apologized that they let alot go for moms who don't have pain meds)
is that I was too far along to bother with an epidural, so.....after 3 pushes Caleb Steven Ralph was born.  I had some minor complications that scared Josh, but all was well, and once the boy was all cleaned up I saw that I had a BLOND, BLUE eyed, baby boy!  9pounds 1 ounce 21 inches long....without any drugs (yay me!)
I remember my parents bringing Athena up and how big she looked next to him, and I remember realizing that my heart must have grown during those 9 months because I had so much love for BOTH of my babies.

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Happy Birthday Caleb, you make us laugh with your silly faces, and I hope that this next year brings all sorts of amazing new things for you.  I love you so much little man!!


Monday, August 26, 2013

1 week later

Today is exactly 1 week since Josh had his gallbladder removed. Yes he has had pain, but he looks better, he says other than pain from his surgery,he feels better. He has been eating regularly, and today went back to work for a few hours. I am so glad that I decided to "go with my gut" and had Josh see the surgeon. If not, he would still be sick and in pain, taking medication that he did not need becuase a dr was too caught up in himself to refer him somewhere else......basically waiting for his gallbladder to perforate or something else to happen that would have brought him to the ER again. There are times when I (and yes I know this is wrong, but its true) feel like God forgot about us, or was letting us figure things out on our own, but through all this, I am so thankful that I know God was watching over us, keeping Josh "healthy" enough to continue on until we saw the surgeon, and healthy enough to undergo surgery. Thankful for nurses on his floor who took good care of him, thankful for "buddies" here where I work that helped move this process along. Thankful for the meals that some people in the church provided (I was soooooo exhausted!) Thankful for the people who have called to check on us, and thankful for the people who made a point at church yesterday to come see Josh and ask how he is doing etc..Thankful for my parents who had the kids long days/nights when I was up at the hospital with Josh. Josh has his post op appointment Thursday so hopefully he will get a clean bill of health, and can continue healing and getting back to himself.

reflections from the waiting room

I know some of you have been trying to keep up with our most recent medical "journey"...I'll give you a brief catching up..... the second week in July Josh had what we thought was just a nasty stomach bug, but it didn't get better in fact it seemed to get worse. About 4 days into it he started having some abdominal pain that became localized and we (even the medical staff) were pretty sure it was appendicitis. But that would have been too easy..... The results came back that his appendix was fine. He had some inflammation in his colon (attributed  mostly to the stomach bug) and gallstones.
 Now, my non medical degrees brain said let's rule out the gallbladder first since that's a relatively "easy" fix. Instead, he was set up with a GI Dr. who when asked again seeing as there is family history of gallbladder stones. Instead he decided to order a colonoscopy for Josh the following week (stating that he thought it was intestinal). He also started him on prednisone to help with inflammation....it didn't.
Josh was still in pain:  Nauseated,taking pain meds, somehow managing To go to work ,but that was about it.  He would come home and just have to sit, being in too much pain to do much of anything else.

At the follow up apt last Tuesday (8/13), the GI Dr tells us he still doesn't know what's going on but wants to start Josh on another, stronger medication that is usually used to treat Crohns. When I asked him if thats what he thought Josh had, he told us no, "I'm not sure what is wrong,  but let's try this medication for a few months and see if it helps".......I (again) brought up the gallbladder/stones saying family history etc..shouldn't we at least have a consult and rule it out if nothing else?   He then snapped at me saying" HE would decide when and if to go and see general surgery and HE didnt think it was the time.".
 Well, I was not impressed at this point, and basically he and I were starting to get into a power struggle...I guess that he is not usually questioned, or used to having someone disagree with what he says, and he didnt like it.
I went back to work and went right over to my buddies at general surgery. I told them what happened at GI and asked if they could schedule Josh for a consult with one of their surgeons.....they got him in 3 days later. Josh saw the surgeon at 9am on friday where he did an exam, looked at all the tests and labs that had been done, ordered more labs, and did an ultrasound of the gallbladder....by 3pm the same day Josh had a diagnosis (choleocystitis), a plan (surgery monday), and an escape plan(er, surgery sooner if pain got to be too much) I was beyond frustrated that Josh had to suffer so long becuase the GI dr didnt want to "release" him to another department.(that it took almost 6 weeks) but thrilled that my poor husband had answers, and was reassured that yes something is wrong and it can be fixed. He was literally shutting down physically as well as mentally. One can only have that kind of constant pain with no relief or answers for so long without thinking you might be going crazy.
Saturday morning we went to the ED. Josh had had alot of pain, and we were hoping they would be able to do the surgery. Unfortunately I got to argue with a resident who didnt think Josh even needed to be there ("we dont like to do surgery on the weekends...really? isnt that kind of your job?)...after about 5 minutes of him talking down to me and arguing with me I told him I was done. I told him to go page the surgeon we saw yesterday. he did, and I was able to speak to him as well.  We decided to hold off on surgery that day,admit josh to be able to monitor infection and pain,keep him hydrated and take it day by day.
if surgery needed to be done sooner fine, but if not he would be "better" by Monday. Today (monday) he had surgery. he went in around 2:30 and was done almost exactly one hour later. Im sitting here waiting to go see him in recovery.... Everything went well, they removed the gallbladder and sent "stuff" to pathology. They said there was some inflammation behind where the gallbladder was that could be some beginnings of crohns or IBS, or could just be from the gallbladder irritating it due to inflammation. 1 hour after surgery Josh had color back in his face, and even told me that his body felt better..... This has been a journey, and as much as I would like to say its all over, and downhill from here, something tells me that its not over. But one thing is for sure, Im here for my hubby, whether that means getting him pepsi, pushing his wheelchair, making him get up and walk around, or flat out advocating for him when doctors try to push him aside.... ----------------------------------------- I'll keep you all posted on his recovery process.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31st? how did this happen?

I feel like every time I plan to keep up with blogging and sharing all the craziness that is my life, something comes up and blogging takes the back seat again... Athena was really sick the week of her birthday, thankfully the blockage made its way out on its own and shes been fine since. About a week after that josh had what we thought was a stomach bug (a nasty one too) but after 4 days he started having pain which became localized sending him to the dr, and then the ED with suspected appendicitis. The CT scans came back surprising everyone showing his appendix was fine, he had some puzzling inflammation in his intestine as well as stones in his gallbladder. ...interesting......That was on a monday. That friday he saw GI who scheduled a colonoscopy (Josh was not thrilled about that) for the following wednesday. Josh did amazingly, but through all this his pain has been constant. Prasie the Lord he has not had to miss work though all this, but by the time he gets home he is in so much pain he cant do anything which of course frustrates him. We are going on the third week of this saga. next week he is scheduled to see a surgeon to consult about the gallbladder. His PCP called him today telling him that it looks like he has either crohns or IBD and he will start prednizone to see if that takes care of the inflammation. (I know, why did they not start him on it 3 weeks ago?--your guess is as good as mine, especially since I asked about it with GI) So, right now thats where everything stands as far as a DX and all the "fun" we have been having.... Next weekend my SIL,her kiddos, her mom and sister will be here for a visit, and I cant wait! Im looking forward to our semi-annual shopping trip to OUAC and Goodwill, and I cant wait to see my (not so) little niece! :) Im sitting here at work, looking out the windows at the GORGEOUS sunny weather and feeling a little bummed that Im in here. The worst part is that I have all my billing completely done for the day and other than the few patients that are scheduled to come in, I dont really have anything to keep me busy for the next 5 hours :( Seriously thinking about taking a longish lunch today.... Tomorrow and Friday my kids have VBS which mean I have 3 hours to myself both mornings!!!! Ill spend tomorrow cleaning but friday I dont know, maybe I will go back to bed, maybe I will go shopping....the possibilities are endless...this never happens!! Im looking forward to playing and having fun in the afternoons though :) Well, its almost time for my lunch break so I will end this post for now...I will continue to keep you posted on Joshs situation, but if you think of us, send up a prayer. His pain is constant, and honestly, I am just tired and worn out....physically,emotionally I feel really spent.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Happy Birthday my princess

My little girl turns 7 tomorrow......7!  When did this happen? It seems like just yesterday I was arguing with the nurse who called to tell me I was pregnant.  Yes, I argued with her, we had gotten to the point where we didnt think we could get pregnant, and when my labs came back "odd" they ran another test only to call me to let me know I was pregnant......with my daughter.....our princess....our miracle....Athena.
Here are some highlights of her year.....

celebrating with our family in Michigan

riding a 4 wheeler with daddy

riding a horse!!!

pretending to drive a 4 wheeler herself

she was put in stocks....just kidding :)

loves animals....loves her cousins

if we cant find her, we just look for an animal.....

picture with a "real bear!"

she got an escalade...and drives it around

Bella came back to us

she loves me :)  This was mothers day

started. and loves gymnastics

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She got her ears pierced!!!!!

Made new friends

is super cute!

looks like her mommy....

Happy Birthday my girl.....even though we have our "moments" I wouldnt trade you for anything!  I love you so much, and am so proud of all that you have learned this year, and can't wait to see what new things you will learn this year!!  Happy 7th Birthday Athena!!

Bragging on my kids :)

The kids had programs in april and may so here are some of the highlights from that time.

this was in our backyard one morning

being silly 

my boys

ha ha

silly faces

pretty girl and mommy

being a silly boy

still being silly

lining up before performance


every time he saw me with the camera he stopped and smiled

I'm a little teapot

"i'm  number 8 frog mama"

getting awards

another award

and another award

smart little cookie!

before her performance

being silly waiting for sisters program to start

scowl face

1st grade


she loves performing!!

the elementary

still cheezin' for the camera