About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Monday, November 8, 2010


Hi!  So this past week has been interesting to say the least. Josh and I have been talking about lots of different things...all good (I think) so dont anyone get worried :)   But it has amazed me at the  way the Lord works in people to bring them to the same thinking without the other knowing....sorry if that sounds incredibly vague....
Josh had a meeting at the new shop saturday after work, which was a bummer becuase he wasnt able to come with us to alexanders party, and he ended up getting home REALLY late. so the next morning we were talking and he is being promoted! He is now the shops managing service writer, and will be getting a decent pay raise to go with it! This is exciting becuase he has only been there since july and this is his second raise, and obviously first promotion in less than 6 months! This will be a HUGE help financially and will give Josh so much more experience and options when and if he decides to look for another job he will have so many more qualifications!  He is pretty excited about this, and it just seems to solidify for us that this IS where we are supposed to be right now.
He is also going to be getting paid for all the extra hours that he put in getting the dover shop ready. we knew he would get paid, but that money is "extra" and will pay for me and the kids to go to VT  for thanksgiving without having to use any of the money already budgeted for bills.

I have been looking for a basketball hoop for caleb for christmas, but brand new is pretty expensive so I started looking on craigslist, and still used ones were like $20-30 which isnt bad, but used...come on.  well, yesterday I pulled up toys and saw someone had one listed brand new for $10 OBO and they live right down the road from me! so I called him up and asked what the lowest was he would take.....short version I got it for $5! when I got there the guy had a bunch of other boy toys in his garage that he was selling and he asked if I wanted anything else.....I o course WANTED to take everything, but that would have been a bit excessive....I told him I had $20 so I got the hoop, an awesome wooden car ramp thing that came with cars and ton of extra stuff, a bunch of boy dress up stuff, a remote control tonka car, a toy semi, and that pretty much filled up my car!  Josh was so surprised when I got home and showed him, and he laughs at how I am able to find such good deals on stuff!
So I have already got Josh a cool gift-a punching bag,gloves,brackets etc- from craigslist, so now all that is left is athena....No, these things are not brand new, but it is what we can afford, and honestly except for the fact that they are not in boxes, everything looks like it is brand new!
So anyway, these things were exciting to me, and made Christmas a little more exciting....now to figure out what to do for a tree, real one are really expensive here, and I dont want to buy a fake one......we will see there is still time to decide on that one!  :)
Happy Monday everyone, have a lovely week!!
*************Additional Blessing!!**************************
Just after I posted this, Josh called me, and said he needs me to pull all his paystubs and go through them because Robs (his boss) accountant had not been adding his overtime as time and a half so they are going to go through everything and will be cutting Josh a check for the difference that he was not paid....Just when we start getting worried about finances and working on solutions the Lord comes through and takes care of it...why do we worry about things? we should know better by now!!

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