well, it is with a little bitterness that I am posting right now.
I work Saturdays.
That is what I was hired for and normally I don't mind, but today, for some reason I am feeling very resentful that I am here.
It is absolutely gorgeous looking outside, and when I got here (very early because I wanted to practice our new system before pts started coming in) we were already booked through 1pm which didn't make me overly happy......then there were problems with my user name etc...so I had to figure something out, and then the Dr got a little behind (which happens, not really upset about that) but then, the phone which had been relatively quiet most of the morning decided to start ringing with calls from people who want to be seen, today for things that have been going on for weeks, or even months.......
and of course we see them.
all this to say that as I am sitting here looking out the window at the sunny day I am missing, I did not enjoy scheduling a 2:00 patient.
I said my piece and I feel a teeny tiny bit better........kind of.......
anyway, hope you are all out there enjoying the beautiful day!
So if it makes you feel any better I have to work every Saturday as well. Im sorry you have to stay longer. I feel/hear your pain.