About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stinky Parts

LOL!  What a way to start my blogging back up....stinky parts. In case some of you didnt already know, we are kind of an odd little family.  Since day 1 with Athena, I realized that for such a small baby she had really stinky toes. well, it became a bit of a game with her when I would change her diapers I would sniff deeply and then pull away saying "pee-yew stinky toes" she would laugh and laugh and then stick her feet back in my face to do it again.....that kind of continued with caleb and we would do the same thing except Athena would stick her little nose right in there and sniff rather deeply and then announce "tinky toes"
why am I sharing this with you? well tonight we were playing and I had taken off my flip flops (so no sweaty feet today)  caleb walked over bent down and sniffed a couple of times then announced "mama tinky toes" well we all laughed about this since it was rather random and funny....Now caleb has decided to start smelling other parts of people : toes,feet,hands,ears, and embarassingly....bums. My kids take baths together...I know some people are offended by this, and others think it is wrong, but I grew up doing that (obviously at a certain age this will stop) and they have fun playing together...anyway, while the tub was filling and my kids were stripping Caleb decided to sniff his sister backside and then annouce "tinky bum tister" I had to walk away and giggle, yes I did, it was funny (c'mon hes 2!)...  please dont judge me,he did this all on his own and we have since discussed that we are people and we dont smell other peoples bums etc.... I think he got it...we will see  :)
so anyway, enjoy a glimpse into my crazy life....if I offended I am truly sorry this was not meant to offend, only to entertain  :)

1 comment:

  1. I used to always bathe Kathryn and Caleb together too until 7 or 8 years old. I was always told if they aren't making an issue out of seeing each other naked, than we don't need to. And, I have some equally crazy bum talking that goes on here too--which I'll spare you from hearing about:)
