About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Monday, October 24, 2011

my sick little monkeys....

so we had what is becoming our weekly trip to the dr today. athena has a sinus infection, somehow she always ends up getting one. which is awful for her, but at least she can get meds and get better.....it baffles me though. she has been tested (last year) for allergies and has none. yet she gets these sinus infections almost monthly.  when we were in delaware not 1 cold, not 1 sinus infection...puzzling.
athena got to spend the afternoon baking and hanging out with her grammie today. it wasnt fair for her to be stuck at home doing "nothing"  while caleb is so needy right now. she definitely had a great afternoon and I am happy for her...peanut deserved it!  I just love that little girl so much! but it scares the snot out of me how alike her and I are!!
my little boy, he is a sick little boy, and I hope I get some sleep tonight.  as far as something specific he is fine....he has had a high fever running between 99 and 103 since last week. he has eaten a handful of crackers, 1 yogurt, 2 bites of a banana, a slice of apple, a bite of pizza and thats about it....since thursday.  today I managed to get him to drink 1 sipper of juice this morning and 1 cup of choc milk for dinner...and he peed twice. sorry to those of you who get squeamish with bodyily functions, but I feel the need to  write about all this cuz it helps to get it out of my head....i stress a little less this way.
so tomorrow morning  I have to call the pediatrician to give them an update on how caleb is doing, and what if anything is better or worse....and they said we might have to bring him in daily to weigh him and check his hydration....I feel bad becuase he is sick and I have to go to work tomorrow, yes josh will be home with him, and can take caare of him, but anyway, thats my problem, and I will figure it out.  I am thankful for Josh and his awareness of how exhausted I have been.  he made a bunch of calls today at work to try to get someone to cover for him tonight so he could come home and help me...unfortunately no one was willing to help him, but I was so touched that he tried to do this to help me, without me asking....I know some of you out there have hubbys that do things like that regularly, but this was a big thing for me....anyway, my hubby should be home soon so I should probably go warm up his dinner and get off the computer  lol!!
hoping to share happy positive news tomorrow about my little man!!

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