About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Friday, July 13, 2012

my brave girl

I was in total awe of my daughter today.  Not only did she do a great job of only eating jello and popsicles until 10:30  ("Mom I have to take a drink quick, its 10:29!!) , she did not complain about not being able to eat either....well, except for when someone (caleb) started taunting her with pretzels...
She was brave at registration, she talked with the nurses, and answered questions.  We had one minor meltdown when it was time to change into the hospital jammies, but that was short lived thanks to daddy making her laugh....She rode to surgery like a princess--reclining back in her bed arms out . very regal.
She held my hand and let them hold the mask to her face, calmly looking at me until she fell asleep....thats where I almost lose it, giving you unconcious child a kiss and then leaving....thankfully they have a nurse bring me out which helps keep it together a little better.
we met with the dr  (her adenoids were very large) who said everything went perfectly, and we could head to recovery to see her....we walked down the hallway to find her "room"  she was covered head to toe in blankets, all we could see was her little face, still sound asleep...she was cold so they had to cover her up....after a bit the nurse started uncovering her to start her waking up.  All of a sudden she sits right up and asked me "whats next mommy?"  I had to explain that she was all done and just had to wake up and then we could go home...after some juice and a popsicle and a little tv time she was thrilled to get to ride in a wheelchair out to the car.(she cried when she realized we didnt take the wheelchair home with us)
after getting carried in the house, we got her all snuggled in on the couch with a movie and some sherbert, and she started getting some color in her cheeks and getting chattier and chattier :)
Grammie and Boppy brought caleb home and of course brought her some presents, and some of grammies ice tea (athena specfically requested it)
Now my princess is snoozing peacefully in bed, where hopefully she will sleep well all night, and wake up feeling more like herself.
I just cant get over how well she did!!  My girl who has such anxiety over a regular dr appointment did better than I ever thought she would do!  So many friends and family were praying for her and I know that helped, but I am just so proud of my princess!!
Im too tired tonight to post pictures, but I will try to get some up this weekend :)

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