About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Superstitious.....I hope not!

Tomorrow my baby girl has surgery for the first time.  After having over 17 sinus infections in the last year the decision was made that we take her adenoids out and pray that this works for my poor little peanut!!
When we scheduled this surgery the choices were tomorrow Friday July 13th or the end of august...we picked tomorrow becaue I want her to be 100% and ready for school, instead of recovering from surgery and starting first grade...Thankfully I am not superstitous, but still a part of me cringed when we scheduled it.
I am more nervous about it than I thought that I would be.  I have gone through two surgeries with Caleb,(tubes,tubes and adenoids), was by myself for one of them, and did fine, but I am so VERY thankful that josh will be with me tomorrow...The hardest part (other than holding her until she falls asleep) will be keeping her from eating all day...she can have clear things like jello and juice until 10:40am, and then nothing until after surgery which right now is scheduled for 2:40.....  Plus the whole mom thing, you know, being the strong, calm one no matter what, and thats not easy....
Yes, I know this is considered "minor" surgery, and feel blessed that so far this is the worst we have had to go through, but its still not easy...that's my baby girl, and I just dont want her to have to suffer for any reason.
So, if you think of us between now and tomorrow, please say a little prayer for my little girl to be brave, and obedient (not eating food), and for me and Josh as we stay as brave and calm as we can be for our little princess tomorrow.
---(I just got off the phone with the dr office, and they will call us if there are any earlier cancellations in the morning....I am praying that whoever is scheduled at 11am will cancel and we can get there sooner)--------
I will try to keep you posted as to how everything goes and how my girl is doing tomorrow night....Thanks in advance for your prayers!!

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