About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ramblings on a Tuesday

Josh started at Tire Kingdom yesterday, and I think he is happy to be back.  He has his work cut out for him with some of the guys there, but he and the district mgr have plans, and he seems to respect Josh's knowledge and experience which is awesome! He works late tonight which is odd to not have him home already, but in a way I am kind of enjoying it....the kids are in bed which means that I have almost 2 hours to myself to get things done, play on FB and blogger, maybe even have a cup of tea while I read a book.....Dont get me wrong, I love spending time with my hubby, but his late nights give me "me time" and I will enjoy it when I can! :)
My brother and his family are coming to visit next week!!  I am so excited! I havent seen them since thanksgiving, and thats way too long of a time!!!  My SIL is due sept 10 with their third baby  (its a GIRL!!!!)  I love watching the cousins play together. it can be months apart, but they pick up where they left off and its so neat to watch! Hopefully my parents will share CHristopher and Julie a little bit, but either way spending time with them however it may be, is still great!!
I know I tend to whine, and rant and rave about where we live (HATE IT)  Its not where we want to be, but its where God wants us for now and we are dealing with it......anyway, over the weekend, I heard about 1 place that might have an opening which would be great! great location, great neighbors, not in burlington.....then yesterday out of the blue, our property mgr called telling us that one of the places we inquired about literally 3 months ago (and never heard back from him either way) was available, and it is ours if we want it, they have to clean and do paperwork, blah,blah,blah....so in less than 3 days we have the option of 2 places...I havent seen the inside of one of them, but if they are even close to ours in a heartbeat Im out of here!!  wed have our own entrance, these places are not even 2 years old, small yards, porch, park....just need to find out what they are like inside, and how much,if any storage they have.....
I will keep you posted, but I am so excited to have an option.....an affordable option, that gets us out of burlington, and this apartment!!  Now, I have to go, the neighbors are cooking,and I need to go light a few candles, and turn the a/c back on  :)
Happy tuesday!

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