About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Is that really the sun??

This morning my monkeys were up at 6am, which is not my ideal time to get up, but when we get to sleep through the entire night  6 am is much more doable  :)
I am sitting here looking around at my house and the cleaning that needs to be done today, but the sun is shining in the window and actually making the left side of my body warm, and really making me want to forgo all my cleaning and just play outside in the sun!  we will see what end up happening  :)
I have been having a frustrating week....there have been some frustrations at work,  I am struggling with school locations/expenses for Athena,caleb going through his very clingy stage, some plans went slightly awry this week ,lack of sleep and lack of energy and honestly feeling selfish and wanting some space and time for myself without interruptions........
I know that as a mom I shouldnt expect to have "me time" and I actually feel kind of guilty even writing that I want it, but blogging is kind of like a journal and sometimes you just have to get it out......last night after work I went to get groceries and josh picked up the kids and I was so enjoying the quiet car ride, the peaceful shopping in the store, the fact that for those few minutes no one needed anything from me.  I love Josh and I love that he works so hard for us to have what we do which allows me to work part time, but sometimes, I wish he had a 8-5 m-f job which would allow me to have some time alone to do whatever even if just for a short break......
so this post started out happy and sunny, but kind of turned a little negative, and I apologize to anyone reading this.....well, since caleb needed to sit on my lap while I am posting I am gonna go since this really is not ideal ...enjoy the beautiful sunshine, and if you think of me,say a little prayer for some mental relief

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