About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Random thoughts on a tuesday

Not to complain,  but it seems like just when we start getting some really nice sunny days, it rains again........I try not to complain, but I am one of those people who is greatly affected by the weather and it has been really hard to stay happy and upbeat when the weather is dark and gloomy.....This past weekend was so wonderful, not only becuase of the weather but because of the time we spent as a family...I am hoping for a bunch of those in the near future!!  :)
So, I have 1 friend who is having a baby in a little over a month, and I cant wait to meet her little man, and maybe help her out with decorating, or watching her baby girl....I remember how fun it was the second time around, you dont feel as stressed out about labor delivery etc...well you are stressed but not for the same reasons.
I have another friend who is in a high risk pregnancy, and I just keep praying for both her and the babys safety as she creeps closer and closer to the "safety" week where she might be allowed off bed rest....
There is another friend that is experiencing all sorts of new things with this baby boy since her daughter was born "rocking an extra chromosome" and is one of the happiest little girls, with a super awesome sense of style to match her personality!!  this friend is anticipating the birth of her second baby with a different perspective, and I love reading her blog where she is super candid and is an incredible writer!
I don't really know why I got started on the topic of babies....I think I am coming to terms with the fact that my "baby" is starting kindergarten this fall, and I am realizing just how nervous I am about this. I didnt think I would be that mom who cries when she drops her child off for their first day of school...but as the week go on, I am fearing that will be the case.
I am  frustrated that we are not able to send her where we would probably prefer, and that she will be in a public school at least for kindergarten.  There are a few reasons for this
1) Until the adminstration changes Josh and I will not send her to a private school that we would like her to be in.
2) we are looking at finances and thinking about other private schools in the area, but they are soooo expensive that we might not be able to for kindergarten
3) I dont mind sending her to a public school but the burlington schools make me a little nervous....they shouldnt but they do.
so anyway, I have rambled enough about all of my random thoughts and Josh just got home from work so Im gonna go snuggle with my hubby who works really hard to take care of us.
stay warm and dry!!

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