About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Saturday, May 21, 2011

newest additions, and losses.....should I be concerned?

so I was all excited on Wednesday when I found an ad on craigslist that said free gerbils....I texted my man and asked him and got the ok .....so the kids and I went to pick up the four gerbils in their tank with their stuff...all for free
we had to go to the store to get them some food, but other than that, totally free....
we didnt get back home til later because athena was sick and had to see the dr, then get her medicine, finally we got home,made dinner, and went to bed. the next day the plan  was to clean out the gerbil house and put clean new sawdust in the home....

all was going well, I had them out on the deck in a little container, I was cleaning the tank out, and only went inside with it for 2 minutes to place it on the table before filling it back up.  I came back out to see caleb carrying one by the tail. Then after I told him to please put it back, he did, only to have it land on its head (not a good thing) he seemed ok though so I started putting them back into their home leaving him for last to let him recoup after being upside down.  well he wasnt moving when I went to get him, so gave him a few more minutes and then realized he had stopped moving and breathing....BIG teaching moment in our house. You cant hold the gerbils unless mommy and daddy are there, and if you do hold them you hold them gently, and never drop them....blah,blah,blah..... then I told them that the gerbil died because caleb was not gentle with it....the response  "I wont mama...I wont kill again..."   -gulp-
maybe that should have been a warning....maybe not, maybe I am too trusting.....of my kids!!!  :)

Gerbil count at this point -3-

This morning when they were downstairs getting their shoes on because we were getting ready to leave ....or so I thought.....apparently they were not doing that. as I was coming down the stairs I heard athena say "quick run away"  never a good thing to hear......I turn the corner and see caleb standing on a chair next to the gerbil tank, and upon closer look see a gerbil OUTside of the tank..........I walked over picked it up and held it for a minute, and then placed him back in his home...phew! 

or so I thought.

after watching him for a minute if was apparent that he was not ok, but I wasnt sure what was wrong...he was able to move and walk around a bit, but seemed to be limping.....well, sadly I have to admit, that by the time we were ready to leave, he had stopped moving and stopped breathing.  I have no idea what happened to him, but yes, another gerbil has bit the dust.  So tonight we will be having a long talk about whether we can keep the gerbils....   Gerbil count -2-

the frustrating part is that caleb was told to open it and get out a gerbil,and of course he will do just about anything his big sister tells him to do. so apparently there are going to be a couple of major discussions going on tonight when josh gets home....

----------> on a more positive note, we are leaving tomorrow for a nice long family vacation. we are going to drive to michigan and spend time at both parents houses,see cousins, and Joshs grandpa...we will be back memorial dayish....so it will be nice to get away, and to let caleb meet his grandparents and cousins...

we will keep you posted on the gerbil situation!!!

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