About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Monday, September 12, 2011

1 less car...and other changes

So today was one of those days....my kids were stinkers during the night which resulted in a little girl who has bad dreams snuggled literally in my armpit, and a little boy who appeared and was crying for candy in his sleep ....ugh! 
The day at work was insane....started nutty and stayed that way.  we have two new people who are doing an awesome job and learning the stuff really fast, but they have questions and we want to explain things to them so they learn, and that just means other things take longer.  Not complaining, but again, just adds to the craziness.  It was really busy both phonewise and peoplewise, and it felt like we didnt get a chance to take a breath until lunchtime.  needless to say I was happy to go home at 5.
BUT I didnt get to go home after work.....I got to meet my little family at the car dealership...normally it would have been a bummer, but I was picking them up because the dealership bought our maxima from us outright.  This was exciting because it means  1) we now only have 2 cars   2) now only have 1 car payment 3) we got more than we owed so we can put some money in the bank and make the next tuition payment for athena.
Then my stubborn little man didnt want to fall asleep tonight. my girl, out like clockwork at 7:30....the boy....8:40 before he fell asleep, and then woke up again randomly for a few minutes.....hopefully I will only have to share my bed with my hubby tonight, but we will see.....
Also, today at work I gave my notice.  I was offered a job at fletcher allen and I accepted it. I start there oct 3.  It will mean more changes but in the longrun I think they will be good.  caleb will go to preschool on the mornings I work, and then my mom will watch the kids for a few hours until I am done at 5, and 1 day a week both kids will get to stay all day at school.....It means letting go on my part and letting someone else teach my monkeys, very qualified teachers, but still......
anyway, now that lunches are packed, kids are sleeping, flowers were ordered for my friend in the hospital, hubby is watching football, so I am gonna go snuggle up to him and hopefully fall asleep soon...who knows what tomorrow will hold for me!!!

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