About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Monday, September 19, 2011

All right, this may be a slightly random post, but its been awhile since I posted, and after reading various posts from my blogger friends, I am feeling a bit sheepish with my lack of posts.....
-my birthday was last thursday,and it was so fun to open the gifts from my girl....thoughtful,sweet gifts, that SHE made and picked out...my hubby spoiled me with not one,but two vera bradley bags...one has since been put away for christmas, and I am pretty sure I will forgot about it by then! :) we went out to lunch, relaxed at home since it was a rainy day and then had cake and ice cream with my parents...a lovely day.
- I officially gave my notice last week and am really excited to start my new job oct 3! I wish I could go back to upeds, but this will be a new chapter, and I will make new friends, and hopefully still stay in touch with my bff's at heavergreen! :)
-I have been struggling so much with my girl.  I know at times she is still so very jealous of her little brother and it is not easy finding that balance, and showing her just how much she is loved, and that no one will ever take her place in my heart. this weekend I made a point of taking her out twice, just me and her, and we had fun! nothing fancy, we went to the dollar store and then goodwill....both places she loves to wander and look at things, and if we find stuff its not expensive :)
-I have a temper. nothing new to most people, but lately I am set off really easily.  I have been short with my kids, and my hubby. then yesterday at church the topic of genleness came up in sunday school....it was like being smacked in the back of the head. I am not being gentle, and I know I need to.  I just feel so overwhelmed so often that my gentleness flies out the window...so any of you who read this, if you have any, seriously, ANY advice for me, to be less overwhelmed, and more gentle I would love to hear from you...seriously.   I am feeling like a "bad mom" and its not a nice feeling.
-I need a mom-cation....I know I have said this before, but I feel like I am slipping down a hill towards a pit, and at times I am moving way too fast!  I have a friend with 2 little kiddos and we are going to try to swap babysitting to give each other breaks once in awhile, but with JOshs schedule, and her hubbys schedule I have no idea how we are gonna make it work....but we will do our best, or die trying  lol!!!
anyway, my boy is asleep (I woke him up accidentally so I had to resettle him) so now maybe I can spend some time with my hubby before going to bed...tomorrow is a new day, and I have a fresh start again ...thank goodness!!!!

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