About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

4 years old......

Tomorrow my baby will be 4.  I cant believe how fast time has gone.....

Four years ago I was planning out the next day, not thinking I would be going into labor on my due date.  We got up and went to toys r us to buy the most awesome double stroller ever, then went to my moms where she made me call my midwife to ask her opinion.  I felt ridiculous calling, I wasn't feeling anything and didn't want to waste anyones time.  My midwife sounded skeptical as well but since it was my 2nd baby and my due date (and I had had a TON of braxton hicks the week before) she said come on up to be checked....we got Athena settled at my parents went home and took a short nap (yep we did) I took a shower, straightened my hair, tidied up a little just in case I did not go back home...and headed to FAHC.  I didn't even take my bag in I really didn't think I was gonna ever have that baby....got all settled in a room and waited for my midwife  .....she came in talked to me and said "well I think we will be sending you home, but lets check you just so we know"

 She checked and looked right at me and said "you are not going anywhere you are 6-8 centimeters"  Whaaaaaaaat????  they hooked me up to monitors and an iv since I had to have antibiotics prior to delivery...apparently I was having pretty decent contractions but didn't feel anything......
after I was done with the antibiotics they broke my water...and then...all heck broke loose!  LOL!!  I could feel those contractions and they were insane! Oh, I need to make sure you know that they would not do an epidural because I was too far along.....I remember begging for Tylenol at some point lol!!
after a very short time Caleb was ready to be born.....3 pushes and my baby boy was born!!!  9 pounds 1 ounce and 21 inches long!  I don't have tiny babies for some reason :)  from the time we checked in to the hospital to the time he was born was a total of 2 hours....crazy.
And now, many,many ear infections, 2 surgeries, 1 ED visit, and lots of laughs we are getting ready to celebrate his 4th birthday!
Happy Birthday Caleb Steven Ralph, I can't believe you are 4, and I couldn't picture our lives without you. You make us all laugh with your crazy man faces....we love you!!!

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