About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Monday, October 15, 2012

The day can only get better.....

Today was one of the worst mornings we have had in a long time.  I used some advice/tried some different strategies that I received yesterday from someone, and while some of it worked, some of it made things a little worse, but that was to be expected.

Today I have to make a few phone calls gathering advice and support.  I love my kids fiercely and will do whatever it takes to help them with whatever they struggle with.  Right now my princess needs me.  Im not sure how she needs me, but I will do what I can to help her.  I am not looking for advice by posting this, I am posting this so that people know I am struggling.  I am struggling as a parent, struggling as a person, struggling as a working mom, struggling with lots of different variables right now.  Im not looking for pity either.  Just understand that if I dont seem quite myself thats why.  If I seem easily frustrated I am.
 I am exhausted in every single way someone can be exhausted.

I am working on things. I am working on myself.  I am working on helping my kids. I am working on contentment.  I am working on patience.  I am working on being a supportive wife.

Phew!  All that to say if you think of me or my family, send up a little prayer because right now we need it! :)

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