About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Smell that nice clean air!

Some of you know just how exciting what I am about to say is...some of you don't, and that's okay.

 Josh and I have been trying to find somewhere else to live that is clean,safe, nice, and wont cost  us a small fortune.....we thought that we had found a  couple of places, but decided that we were interested in them mainly becuase they were not in burlington, and we would not have been happy there for 1 reason or another.  We just didnt feel  they were right.  A couple of weeks ago we talked again becuase we were not finding anything out there for less than $1400 a month plus all utilities, to rent, .....so we decided that we would just  try to be content and stay where we are at least through the winter.  Neither of us were thrilled about that but felt it was the "right" thing to decide for now......

Then a couple of days ago I decided to just look and see if miraculously something decent popped up....and I found a 3 bedroom in essex jct......skeptical I decided to call and find out....It sounded decent and the guy was really nice. So we went and looked at it, found out some more about it from the owner, found out he would let us move in earlier for no extra charge......WE CAN HAVE A GRILL!!! it has a yard and a driveway for the kids to play.....

Josh and I were hoping that when we moved out of where we are we would be going to something significantly bigger, but that is not something that we NEEDED, it was something we WANTED.....

We talked about it and applied for this place. I emailed the app in last night and at 10am this morning I got a phone call that if we want it its ours and we can move in as soon as its ready (he is repainting all the walls, professionally cleaning the carpets and appliances,replacing the door on the shed...) We are meeting with him on sunday afternoon to sign the lease and determine the length etc...

Sooooo.......by November 1 (at the latest)  we will officially be residents of Essex Junction!!!!  I am so happy I am almost giddy!  Our new place is nothing spectacular, its a duplex with 3 bedrooms, a nice kitchen and a yard, but it is clean, the neighbors have kids, and have lived there for awhile, the landlord is great, and its 5 minutes from williston!!
Yes money will be tight for a few months while we adjust to a slightly higher rent, but its doable, and worth it!!  Just think of all the money we will save not having to buy candles and lysol spray just to be comfortable in our home  (estimate monthly cost was $20-$100 a month for air fresheners or candles) <----no, I am not exaggerating at all!!!

Tonight we are going to Friendly's for calebs birthday dinner, and then home to open presents...and then Josh and I get to tell the kids we found a new home and can move in soon!  I am almost tearing up with happiness and humility.

Happiness becuase we feel like we can give our kids a better home life, and becuase we will be out.of.there!!  Humility because I wasnt trusting God to provide what we needed when he thought it was time.  We had to be willing to stay where we were and trust that he would getus through the winter, and not until then did he provide us with a new place to live.

Of course now I will  be in crazy cleaning/purging/packing mode.....but thats ok.....although if anyone would like to volounteer to take my monkeys for a few hours some saturday I am pretty sure I would take you up on it!!!  :)

I optimistically gave our 30 day notice last night  and it felt soooooo good!  lol!!!


  1. Congrats! That is so exciting! Where in EJ is it? Welcome to the neighborhood! :)

  2. Yay yay yay! I hear really awesome people live in EJ. (-:
