About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Sunday, October 14, 2012

sometimes the truth hurts....

I am in a bible study that is about forgiveness ( there is some crazy irony to that, but thats for another post)....but it has started out with anger.  Yes the two are related, and yes it has made me see that I am not all that I thought I was.....I get angry....alot....over stupid things, over not so stupid things, and I need to stop it.   Yep its that simple, just stop being angry.....well if you happen to have those magic beans, please send a few over to me, because it hasnt been easy.
Mornings and evening are the worst.  Usually someone will wake up waaaaay before they are supposed to, and instead of reading or resting until 6am they like to come in and tell me they are awake.....ugh.  so that doesnt really help me to start my day happy.....Im not a morning person, but I dont really have a choice since my kids are morning people....and my hubby doesnt want to be a morning person at all.
anyway, I feel rambly (is that a real word) tonight.....I was starting to feel like a "bad" mom, frustrated more than I should be, trying to change or control things that in the grand scheme of things really doesnt matter, and feeling guilty/frustrated/sad etc... that almost daily there is a struggle to get my princess ready for school, and wondering if I really am the "mean" "stupid" Mommmy that I am told I am......

This morning someone else who also has a 6 yr old daughter was talking about her struggles daily and it sounded like she was describing my mornings!  It made me feel better knowing that someone out there is going through (sort of) the same struggles that I am.  Maybe Im not such a bad mom after all......Maybe we can help each other muddle through this and keep (most of) our sanity intact.

We are starting a sticker chart where each monkey can earn up to 3 stickers every morning( 1 for staying in bed til 6 1 for not fighting and 1 for cleaning up/not making a mess)....so far they are doing ok (its been 2 days) Im hoping that this will work, for all of us.

Josh is working super late tonight (inventory) so Im off to tidy up the kitchen, make some tea and probably head to bed somewhat early tonight....

Hope you all have a great week!

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