About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Sunday, August 14, 2011

changes.....ready or not here we go!

well, it seems that this summer has been my time to grow up.....we bought a mini van, and <cough,cough> I like it! I really do! :) My baby girl is going to kindergarten. Now we have been back and forth (josh and I) about where to send her....we visited private schools, non traditional schools, public schools etc...but decided to save money and send her to publuc school this year....
you would think that is the end of the story, but nope, theres more........she was placed at one school and then the following week there was a shooting on the same street as the school. well, I called and had her moved to one of the other burlington schools, and was a little more comfortable with that....still had no clue how to get her to school, caleb to daycare and me to work all in time, and then the same thing at the end of the day......but we figured we were not the first parents with 2 kids to have to make this work, so we kept talking about it and stuff.....then the last couple of weeks, we started talking about sending caleb to preschool in williston when he turns 3 (this would be the preschool that I was in charge of for a few years) then we started talking about sending athena to that kindergarten, after all it is in williston and would be so much easier for us....but, for personal reasons I had said no. there was no way I could deal with certain parts of her being at that school.....well, long story short, we looked into it, and found out we can afford it, and I have to suck it up and do this because she is our daughter, and it is the best place she could be this year.
Since this decision was made this weekend (nothing like waiting til the last minute!) both Josh and I have peace about our little girl going to school....we have both felt so anxious that I honestly didnt know howI would make it through this school year!
So, the peace has made us realize that we made the right decision, and when we told athena, she was so happy, in fact her exact words were "thank you mommy and daddy, I wanted to go to a christian school"   insert knife and turn it a little more. nothing like a 5 year old to convict you huh?!!!
My grandfather (my dads dad) has been in the hospital, now I am not sure everything, but basically he has been having problems with his heart, and during a CT scan they found a mass near his lymph nodes, and some other inflammation....basically it doesnt look good.......so I dont know what will happen now. they live in florida but all of us grandkids, greatgrandkids and kids live in vt....it would be nice if they were here so we could see them, and its not like I can just buy plane tickets, so we will see what this next week brings.......for all of us!

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