About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

whatever wednesday

last night, my kids for some reason unknown to me decided that they didnt want to go to sleep....finally around 9:30 they both fell asleep laying in bed next to me. I know, I know, not the best parenting move, but I was so tired that I just didnt care. I probably would ve loaded them up in the car and driven around if I wasnt so incredibly exhausted.  why you ask? Honestly, I have no idea. I have started a new medicine, which causes drowsiness so that could be contributing, but I just havent been sleeping that great lately.
Then, thismorning I thought hey, maybe the kids will sleep a little longer since they were up so late. Nope. they were awake by 6 and playing untl a little before 7 when they apparently couldnt last without me any longer :)
Josh was off today and he had planned to make breakfast, which he did...not so good for the weght loss I am attempting, but still the bacon and eggs were delish  :)
The kids were both incredibly grumpy and unpleasant this morning which really put a damper on my day...and of course beciase part of the plan was to have them snooze on the way to my aunts house, they both chose to stay awake.  grrrr.....so much for a quiet ride to the islands.....
Josh and I had a blast with the kids in the pool....they are part fish, I swear they must be!  athena is learning to swim and loves it and she is so brave!!!
on the way home after a few hours, the kids stayed awake and did pretty decent...but they were so tired that they hardly ate anything for dinner...and now both are sound asleep and its only 730.  unfortunately I think josh may have fallen asleep in athenas room, since hes still in there and its been over a half an hour  lol!
Tonight I am going to bed early, in the hopes of having a good day tomorrow...I have to get some cleaning done, and then we might head back to my aunts for a swim, or maybe the park....I dont know...we will see, but it will be better than this morning thats for sure!!

I have been having alot of trouble with athenas behavior: attitude, general unwillingness to do anything that is asked of her....anyone have any ideas, advice, encouragement? I feel like all I do is discipline her, and I am seeming to be lacking in the skills needed to raise up my little me the way I should......

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