About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Sunday, August 7, 2011

poor me.....wanna join my pity party today?

Ever have one of those days where it feels like everyone else has a better life??  ok maybe not that drastic, but it seems as if they have the better kids, better husband, bigger house, better car, easy job, kids that sleep etc.....
Well, today was mine.  I know, its not right, and it never helps anything, but for some reason I read something that one of my friends wrote on the facebook wall, and it just set me into a poor me mood......usually this doesnt happen to me. usually I am able to pull myself out of a funk, but today, I just couldnt, and it seemed that it got worse, not better.
So, please dont judge me, but I am going to put in writing all my "poor me's" and then I am hoping it will be out of my system...I do want to say before I start that I do love my husband, and kids so much and even though I whine, I wouldnt change anything....well maybe a couple of things...  :)
I want  to be able to work out regularly, knowing that my husband supports me by watching the kids so I can.
I want to be able to sleep in once in awhile and let Josh get up with the kids.
I want to be able to complain about being tired and then just go to bed, instead of wait to put the kids to bed and then relax and sleep.
I want kids that go to sleep without "help" (ie:sitting with them, rubbing backs etc...) and then sleep all night without having to come in my bed, or room...
I want everyone in my family to get along and respect each other- understanding that nobody is perfect and we all have our crazy days, but we are family.
I want to live in a house that is in a neighborhood that has a yard, and a driveway.
Iwant childcare to work out....
I want to live in essex/williston/south burlington
I want to go on outings with my hubby and kids becuase its fun and we all want to do it...even if its not something we  as an adult like but we do it for our kids.
I want to find a church that I am comfortable at. where I am accepted for who I am now, not who I was 20 years ago.
I want to win the lottery  :) (I don't play so it might be a challenge)
I want to lose 20 pounds and keep it off.
well, there I actually do feel better having got all that out of my head and onto my blog, of course now all of you have read this and may feel somewhat negative now....sorry.....I get like this sometimes. like I said I do have so much to be thankful for:
my husband who works hard , beautiful,healthy children. an affordable place to live, family that loves me, friends, a job, a new van, sunny weather that gives me a nice tan, 2 air conditioners, and there are more things, I just am getting kind of tired now......
so anyway, thanks for "listening" and if anyone wants to regularly watch my kids so I can work out, or whatever, let me know!  ;)

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