About Me

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I am a mommy to two very busy,wonderful,funny,beautiful children who I have been blessed with to be their mommy. I am also the wife to a sweet,handsome guy who works hard so that I am able to work part time and stay home with our monkeys part time. Our life is never dull, and this is where I vent,share,and everything in between !

Monday, August 22, 2011

one proud mommy

I have been kind of absent from blogging for a few days, but I have been busy getting myself and my daughter ready for schoool to start. In her words all weekend the "big event is almost here"...well, it came today and she was so excited! If only we were able to keep some of that awe insired excitement for things we would as a whole be a much happier well balanced society....but any-who....
Last night we picked out her outfit, packed her lunch got her backpack ready etc....this morning, she woke up at 6am and was so proud of herself for sleeping that long (seriously, thats a big deal!!) and was so happy to get to watch some of her movie while I hopped in the shower....when I came out of the bathroom she was all dressed wearing an ear to ear grin of pride.....they ate breakfast, brushed teeth,did hair--->complete with a special back to school hair bow....(one of the 43 bows we got in michigan)
then we headed downstairs to get on shoes and take pictures....well, apparently I was only allowed to get 3 pictures in. and that was a struggle! my girl doesnt like pictures!!
we dropped off little brother at grammies, and then I walked her in to "the big event"  she was so excited, and it was such a mommy moment for me....parked my minivan, got my girl out, held her hand all the way inside, ofund her hook and cubby, put things away, walked in the classroom, received a greeting from her teacher, found a friend and some toys, and (thankfully) remembered to give me a hug and a kiss, and off she went.......it was a blur, I was kind of hoping that she would cling to me, or look at me and say I will miss you so much mommy....but nope, my independant little girl was in her element, and I was so proud of her!!!
noon. I left work a little early so I could pick her up today,and was greeted with a "Ohhhh already mma?"  granted it would have been nice to have her say MOMMY  and run to me, but this just shows how well adjusted she is, and she did a great job packing up the rest of her lunch and headed out to the car with me....talking the whole way aboutwhat she learned and did...but "mom, Mrs K. [her teacher] didn't teach me any math....the first grade got to learn math, but not me"  I love it!!  the first day ever of school and she is upset that she didnt get to learn math.....LOL!!!
well, we will see what she learns tomorrow...maybe some math.....maybe not. either way I am so filled with pride and love for my not so little girl!!!!

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